I'm happy to add French and Chinese to the supported languages (see your options screen), thanks to the excellent hard work and attention to detail from Jean Serfati and Kai Shao. That brings the supported languages up to 6 as these two new additions join English, Japanese, Spanish, and Italian. It's exciting to welcome in a new group of players. To celebrate, enjoy the 35% off sale for a limited time! While there are major things in the works for Invisigun, I still can't announce any details just yet. However this patch also brings a few more updates and bug fixes. Thanks to the Discord community (http://discord.gg/invisigun) for continuing to post suggestions and report any issues.
- New localization: French
- New localization: Chinese
- UI: Language selector is presented on first launch
- UI: Some title screen layout adjustments for localization (complete reskin later)
- CRONUS: Finally has a unique victory pose (like the rest of the cast)
- GAME: GIF export files are properly closed when canceling
- GAME: Fixed empty powerup crate falling once on clients if all powerups are disabled
- GAME: Fixed not being able to split shots on clients if projectile is already destroyed on the host
- GAME: Fixed possibility for two projectiles to create a blast barrier instead of hitting objects
- GAME: Fixed missing left ember spawner on The Catacombs
- GAME: Random map is refreshed when returning to the lobby from a match
- GFX: Fixed the tint of Epi's ghost in his victory pose
- UI: Fixed sorting of UI dialogs when in-match
- UI: Fixed resolution "free" label value change when changing languages
- UI: "Keyboard" is now properly localized on player selectors
- UI: Fixed potential for game to stall if localized text parsing fails in some edge cases
- UI: Better spacing in GIF end cards for multi-line Steam usernames
- UI: Fixed Connect button being selected after removing IP digits using the GUI
- UI: Various minor layout fixes for different locales
- UI Fixed ready up indicator minor scaling issues
- AUDIO: Fixed replays always playing SFX at max volume
- EPI: Fixed ghost Epi getting hit instead of real Epi if standing in the same spot