# v1.8.7 ### New - New localization: Russian ### Updates - GAME: Performance optimizations - GAME: Faster startup - GAME: Framerate locked at 60fps to prevent timing drifts - GAME: Vsync disabled and setting removed due to sync timing issues - UI: Adjusted some button target visuals for clarity - UI: Much improved UI performance in online lobbies - UI: Warning when time-based modes are almost over is more clear - JOURNEY: Aether's boss shows shields on all body segments instead of just the head - JOURNEY: Regen shield time on Carmen stage 6 increased from 0.5s to 0.75s ### Fixes - UI: Fixed letterboxing shadows in middle of screen - UI: Localization corrections - UI: Fixed some text labels' display in Japanese - UI: Fixed offset scrolling positions in options menus - UI: Possible fix for blank interface elements (sanity checks when data loading on startup) - INPUT: Fixed some instances where control would be lost - NET: Fix for some disconnection cases when returning to the lobby after a match - NET: Fixed degrading network performance as a match progresses - NET: Fixed online stuttering and hitches after the first round - NET: Fixed incorrect shot style being set on clients - NET: Fixed freezing that can occur in Zone Control and Carrier modes - NET: More accurate framerate-independent timers for online modes - GFX: Fixed Selene's jump shadow showing in the wrong location for 1 frame - GFX: Fixed Phoebe instantly showing at her teleport destination for 1 frame - IRIS: Fixed being able to dash over Djaan-Khe's traps - EPI: Fixed not triggering footstep effects if activating ability midway to the next tile - DJAAN-KHE: Fixed not triggering footstep effects if activating ability midway to the next tile # v1.8.1 ### Fixes - IRIS: Fixed crash involving dash on Stage 6 - EPI: Fixed cluster shots spawning at real Epi's location when hitting ghost Epi - CONTROLS: Fix loss of subsequent control if pause menu is open when a round ends online # v1.8.0 ### Updates - UI: Any player can control or skip instant replays after the first full viewing - UI: Lab hero menu starts with your current hero selected - INPUT: More accurate movement tapping when standing still ### Fixes - UI: Minor localization edits - UI: Pixel alignment visual fix on game mode selector buttons - UI: Fixed player selectors sometimes not showing ability text when you first join in - EPI: Fixed cluster shots hitting ghost Epi instead of real Epi when they occupy the same tile - EPI: Fixed shield showing for one frame on real Epi when toggling off ghost Epi - DJAAN-KHE: Fixed being able to trap players when they are in respawn invincibility time - DJAAN-KHE: Fixed footsteps/surface FX triggering when laying traps - GAME: Fixed sometimes not being able to fire when standing in same position as a dead player - GAME: Fixed edge case that could prevent players from respawning in sudden death situations - GAME: Fixed edge case where security cameras would fail to rotate towards some corners # v1.7.15 ### Updates - GAME: Exported data files moved on Linux to XDG_DATA_HOME location - GAME: All builds are 64-bit ### Fixes - UI: Fixed sorting of long nickname labels in lobby to avoid masking - UI: Fixed indicator pips under player selector in lobby sometimes not updating - UI: [Switch] Fixed "HD Rumble" label in pause menus - UI: "DUALSHOCK 4" wireless controller colors revert to default when no player is selected in lobby - UI: Fixed UI panel flashing briefly when starting the tutorial for new players - UI: Fixed fade out of Epi's Journey interface instructions in stage 1 - AUDIO: Fixed custom music and sfx levels preferences not restoring on startup - GFX: Fixed sorting of floor tiles and rugs in tutorial rooms - GFX: More optimized screen recording performance depending on platform - GFX: Memory and performance improvements - NET: Fixed sync issue when disconnecting a controller for a ready player in the lobby - NET: Fixed disconnection edge case for clients during lobby to match transition - NET: Fix for soft lock on boot in some network connection edge cases - NET: Auto disconnection timeout raised from 5s to 6.5s - INPUT: Fixed soft lock if disconnecting and reconnecting controllers in hero profiles scene - INPUT: Fixed pause menu input loss after canceling exit confirmation dialog - INPUT: Fixed some input vibrations being triggered while the player is dead - GAME: Fixed multiple Phoebes teleporting shots simultaneously or when Violet is present - GAME: Potential fix for incorrect conveyor belt behavior with high framerates - JOURNEY: Fixed potential to clear a room when dying and being forced through boundaries - JOURNEY: Reduced regeneration time for Carmen boss' shields from 0.75s to 0.5s (was exploitable) - JOURNEY: Fixed spike traps being affected by trigger switch in Cronus stage 8 - DJAAN-KHE: Players (Zephyr/Phoebe) caught in two distant traps will be pulled in to the nearest - VIOLET: Fixed Violet teleporting to orb location when firing when it has almost returned to her with lag # v1.7.13 - August 22, 2019 ### The Hero's Journey - Brand new single player campaign - Series of ability-specific puzzle rooms and boss fights for each of the 9 original heroes - Complete a full journey to unlock one of the new heroes ### New - THE HERO'S JOURNEY: Challenging single player campaigns for the 9 original heroes - NEW HERO: Zephyr - NEW HERO: Violet - NEW HERO: Djaan-Khe - UI: You can (finally) change your controls in pause menus, mid-game - UI: Destructibles with more than 1 health show damage amounts when hit - UI: You can anonymize your Steam name in the UI (for streamers) - UI: You can hide the join key in the UI (for streamers, will only show before the lobby) ### Updates - UI: Ability Boost reference added to Field Guide - UI: Cold Breath mechanic added to Field Guide - UI: Updated some input icons - UI: GIF exporting continues where it left off if you cancel and start it again - UI: Instant replays can be rewinded a maximum of twice when online - UI: Updated desktop app icons - NET: Much improved network behaviors, position syncing, and local client responsiveness - GAME: Single player bot challenge mode replaced by The Hero's Journey - GAME: Mine carts will explode and stun players if bumped too much between them - GAME: Improved mine carts physics and movement feel for remote clients - GAME: Selene is her default character color in the tutorial instead of Player 1's default color - GAME: Adjusted birds clustering spread and selection of better landing spots - MAPS: Chaos Pit reskin - CRONUS: Bombs will trigger switches that they land on - CRONUS: Bomb impacts will push mine carts - CRONUS: Bomb impacts will push carriers - CRONUS: Ability uses before spam cooldown increased from 2 to 3 - PROTEUS: Ability Boost also increases drone zap time from 1.5s to 2s - RONIN: Slashing shots will still play FX and display a notice when maxed out ### Fixes - INPUT: Fixed inverted y-axis - UI: Fixed screen visual effects affecting UI when paused - UI: Fixed steam vents demonstrations in the Field Guide - UI: Better fallbacks if some data can't be read, prevents some edge case lockups - UI: New achievements earned are not shown again later if you skip the achievements scene - UI: Fixed height of post-match action menu - UI: Fixed issue where some scenes could fade out twice - UI: Dialog boxes won't go out of focus - UI: Fixed end-of-round UI and FX playing when remote clients disconnect leaving 1 host-side player - UI: Fixed edit powerups button remaining disabled if changing powerups to not drop - NET: Fixed more edge cases when there is no internet connection - NET: Fixed soft lockup if a remote client disconnects post-round while others are waiting - NET: Fixed soft lockup if a remove client disconnects during the loading scene before the match starts - NET: Fixed client stuck in lobby after connecting if transitioning there while the match has moved on - NET: More reliable buffered shots online (ex: during Selene's jump) - NET: Fixed timing issues with rapid firing and lag - NET: Fixed spectator views being stuck if replays are disabled - GFX: Player color selections are preserved when rematching - GFX: Yeti breath doesn't cause screenshake on impact - GFX: Fixed incorrect shadows when shaking tall grass sprites - GFX: Fixed mine cart particles sometimes shooting off the screen when shot perpendicularly - GFX: Fixed ice bushes not leaving stumps behind - GFX: Heroes won't continue their ability start animations if interrupted (stunned) - GFX: Fixed sorting of markers (sometimes appearing under snow) - SFX: A handful of audio cues were assigned to the wrong mixer busses - SFX: Improved consistency and reliability of music fade outs between scenes - GAME: Fixed slowdown caused by blast barriers appearing near certain other objects - GAME: Some performance improvements - GAME: Fixed revealer hiding players if it runs out after a round is over - GAME: Fixed revealers slowly moving towards players if the game is paused - GAME: Fixed pit beasts spawning on mine cart tracks - GAME: Fixed hitboxes on some neon signs - GAME: Fixed steam vents glitch when restarting particles - GAME: Fixed powerup parachute boxes sometimes not showing up - GAME: No respawn if there isn't enough time left (fixes sudden death issues) - BOTS: Phoebe bot won't try and use her ability if she's on her own teleporter - BEAST TAMER: Fixed beasts spawning and shaking when game is paused - EPI: Fixed incorrect hitbox size for real Epi when ghost is active - EPI: Fixed ability cooldown bar not showing up when ghost Epi is killed - EPI: Ability cooldown bar should omit the spam window flashing time at the end - EPI: Fixed real Epi dying if ghost Epi is hit by 2+ projectiles in the same frame - EPI: Fixed real Epi not getting hit by a Cronus bomb if ghost Epi is in the same tile - EPI: Fixed real Epi being pushed around if a player is bumped into that location - EPI: Fixed inconsistent knockback distance of ghost shots (should be 1 tile max) - CARMEN: Can't place a block where a ghost Epi is standing - CARMEN: Fixed spam cooldown when attempting to build in invalid locations - PHOEBE: Fixed being able to teleport into real Epi when ghost Epi is out - CRONUS: Fixed running in place if you bump a wall while deploying the target - CRONUS: Fixed bombs not clearing out sand piles - CRONUS: Fixed edge case leaving a target on the host's side if a client spams ability - PROTEUS: Fixed scanner drone beam FX continuing to play when game is paused - IRIS: Fixed dash distance and spam window calculations when she is slowed - IRIS: Fixed collection of powerups that are between 2 teleporters while dashing - RONIN: Fixed being able to slash shots behind him # v1.6.120 - February 18, 2019 ### New - UI: For local games, you can choose Rematch after the match to skip the character selection lobby ### Updates - CARMEN: Ability time increased from 0.5s to 0.65s - CARMEN: Spam cooldown time increased from 0.75s to 1.5s - RONIN: Spam cooldown time increased from 0.5s to 1s - UI: Loading screen has a notice about disabling Steam's controller configuration support for compatibility - UI: Updated timer display for Deadline, Land Grab, and Challenge Mode - UI: Trigger wall switches have an indicator when they are ready - GAME: Better directional control (perpendicular movement changes are less sensitive) ### Fixes - UI: Fixed some UI navigation issues on the options screen - UI: Emote selector auto hides if it's active when the replay starts - UI: Fixed missing controller input icon in training UI for pause/menu action - UI: Fixed text typing out too slowly in some cases - UI: Fixed being able to navigate to the join menu from the join key input panel - UI: Fixed last-hit-moment slow motion not working after pausing - GAME: Possible fix for edge cases where players could get repeatedly stunned inside trigger walls - GAME: Fixed framerate-dependent timing issues for random spawners (meteors and some graphical fx) - GAME: Fixed (sometimes) erratic reload time when you have reload speed multipliers - GAME: Recoil time (frozen for 0.1s after firing) was also reduced reload speed powerups when it shouldn't be - PHYSICS: Fixed minimum collider contact distance, caused diagonal shots to hit players through corners - PHYSICS: Fixed some collision issues with mine carts, fence posts, and lava borders - PHYSICS: Fixed collision issues with embers spawning from mine carts # v1.6.114 - January 24, 2019 ### New - NET: Added server region: Russia (Moscow) - NET: Added server region: Russia, East (Khabarovsk) ### Updates - Performance improvements across the board - UI: Added a status indicator icon when players are slowed - GAME: Carrier now bounces off walls - GAME: Carrier is affected by conveyor belts - GAME: Proximity doors jammed-open time reduced from 15s to 10s - AETHER: Pound will affect the carrier - SELENE: Slight effect added when double and triple jumping - IRIS: Ability boost changed to leave a trail of fire behind her dashes ### Fixes - IRIS: Fixed an issue that could occasionally cause Iris to overshoot her dash target by a hair (and bump) - IRIS: Fixed collision issues when dashing into mine carts - EPI: Fixed hidden indicator for replays and specators when ghost Epi is inside igloos - UI: Fixed Steam nickname not showing up if host chooses a hero before clients join - UI: Fixed initial value of planet progress in challenge setup - UI: Fixed match information not updating in local match lobbies when changing settings - UI: Hero profile demos will auto correct if they mess up due to framerate or performance issues - UI: Fixed black screen after dialog dismissal when an online match fails to be created - UI: Instant replay text is dismissed when skipped quickly - NET: Fixed unresponsive lobby if a host recreates a match after being disconnected - GFX: Fixed pixel misalignment sprite wall seams on a bunch of map borders - GFX: Fixed frozen hero sprites when running while firing - GAME: Fixed issue where players could occasionally get momentarily stuck against a tile - GAME: Fixed potential for embers to spawn while the match is not active - GAME: Fixed meteor falling / impacts while the match is not active - GAME: Fixed up some mine cart interactions with Iris' dash - Triple Trouble: Fixed missing center tile for zone control # v1.6.105 - November 30, 2018 ### Updates - AUDIO: Different SFX cues if a player gets hit (with shield) vs dying ### Fixes - NET: Fixed "Match full" notice on initial IP/LAN connections - NET: Fixed soft lockup on some online games when matches start - NET: Fixed black screen on some online games when matches start - UI: Fixed stuck lobby chatting indicator if a player disconnects while choosing a message - AUDIO: Fixed double selection sound on join buttons # v1.6.101 - November 16, 2018 (hotfix) ### Updates - UI: Lobby chat messages don't reset the auto countdown timer for Guest Edition matches - NET: Increased connection and idle timeouts to prevent disconnections in some high latency cases ### Fixes - UI: Fixed display of waiting-for-more-players time for Guest Edition - UI: Fixed soft lockup that could occur when randomizing bot hero selections - UI: Fixed edge case that could cause the match to not fade in (black screen) - UI: Italian localization updates # v1.6.97 - November 12, 2018 ### New - New powerup: Ability Boost - UI: You can choose an emote to display on the scoreboard after you die - UI: You can now edit the match settings without leaving the lobby! - UI: "DUALSHOCK 4" wireless controller lights reflect in-game player colors (except via Bluetooth on Mac) - NET: Online matches will auto start from the lobby after 30s of inactivity - NET: All matches will auto return to the lobby after 30s of post-match inactivity ### Updates - Land Grab: Markers appear a little bit faster when you've reached a tile - The Conundrum: Some map layout adjustments - NET: Better selection of open UDP ports - NET: Remote players option is now 3 choices: None (local only), IP/LAN, or Online - UI: Unified inputs for all pause- and context-menu interactions (Start/ESC to toggle, Fire to interact) - UI: Better render texture selection for screen recording depending on platform - UI: Loading indicator in lobby shows when match is preparing to start - UI: Most menus and options now wrap vertically and horizontally when navigating - UI: Map selectors show an indicator for how many maps there are & which you are on - UI: Updated Cerebrus planet look - UI: Unified lobby actions menu and start match behavior / inputs - UI: Hero profile demos updated; some have a second player to show ability interactions - GAME: Improved handling to protect against saved data corruption - AUDIO: Increased buffer for simultaneous replay audio cues (less dropped replay SFX) ### Fixes - EPI: Ghost cluster bombs have much shorter stun time to prevent stun lock - EPI: Fixed situations on ghost death (real Epi dying, position swapping, etc) (regression bug) - RONIN: Slash will correctly hit multiple players and projectiles in its path (but powering up is capped) - SELENE: Fixed Selene leaving soot footprints even if jumping over Cronus' bomb impact tiles - GAME: Fixed potential for minecarts to bump objects on opposite side of a shot hitting them (for real) - GAME: Fixed empty powerup crate falling once on clients if all powerups are disabled (for real) - UI: Some localization fixes for button labels - UI: Fixed being able to navigate to the title screen bulletin items even if they aren't visible - UI: Fixed cooldown indicator errors if pausing and resuming before ever having spammed abilities - UI: Fixed some display issues with hidden indicators in replays - UI: Controller reference in pause menu shows more info about each player (type, ping, nickname, etc) - UI: Partial GIF files are deleted if the export process is canceled - UI: Fixed different spectator modes visibility in time delayed situations - UI: Fixed fade-in on tips screen - UI: Fixed copyright date - UI: Potential fix for instant replay starting too soon, overlapping the "Match Over" message - UI: Some Italian localization corrections and updates - NET: Game doesn't soft-lock on catastrophic network transport layer failures - NET: Fixed edge case that could leave a client in a joining state while the match is being delisted - NET: Fixed potential for online lobbies to fail to continue after playing local matches - NET: Fixed LAN matches not broadcasting for local network discovery after multiple match sessions - NET: Fixed LAN match joining - NET: More reliable LAN broadcasting and discovery - NET: Removed duplicate LAN match listings due to multiple network interface broadcasts - NET: Fixed LAN matches counting as online matches in stats - NET: Fixed delayed spectators end-of-match soft deadlock if the remote kill happens during the countdown - NET: Fixed an issue that could cause some matches to not properly list and delist from the matchmaker # v1.6.81 - August 29, 2018 ### New - New Cerebrus map: Chaos Pit ### Updates - SYSTEM: This update will require DirectX 11 or OpenGL on Windows (DirectX 9 won't be supported) - GAME: Player visibility time after using their ability now includes the brief spam window time - UI: Ability recharge bar flashes during the short post-cooldown spam window time - UI: Game base resolution changed from 484x272 to 480x270 (resolution preferences will be reset) - UI: Some Chinese localization edits - UI: Improved progress scene performance - UI: Optimized screen fading transitions - UI: When exiting the lobby, you can choose to go back to match setup or the title screen - UI: Bulletin items on title screen will open associated URLs in your browser when activated ### Fixes - EPI: Fixed edge case that could cause ghost Epi's position to be out of sync online - GAME: Fixed edge case that could cause a downward spiral if save data is corrupt - GAME: Cronus bombs' soot shouldn't affect players with Silent Steps - GAME: Fixed potential for minecarts to bump objects on opposite side of a shot hitting them - UI: Fixed error that prevented all victory phrases from showing up (custom or default) - UI: Fixed loss of UI focus if spamming save/cancel buttons in options sub panels - UI: Fixed timing edge case that could cause the cooldown indicator to not show online - UI: Fixed edge case that could leave a dialog box onscreen - NET: Fixed edge case that leaves the client in lobby-limbo if the host disconnects - NET: Fixed remote clients not skipping tips screen when playing consecutive online matches - NET: Handled some edge cases when there is no internet connection present # v1.6.71 - May 23, 2018 (hotfix) ### Fixes - UI: Fixed sorting of UI dialogs when in-match - UI: Fixed missing Chinese translation for training menu label - UI: Fixed resolution "free" label value change when changing languages # v1.6.70 - May 23, 2018 ### New - New localization: French - New localization: Chinese - UI: Language selector is presented on first launch - UI: Some title screen layout adjustments for localization (complete reskin later) ### Updates - CRONUS: Finally has a unique victory pose (like the rest of the cast) ### Fixes - GAME: GIF export files are properly closed when canceling - GAME: Fixed empty powerup crate falling once on clients if all powerups are disabled - GAME: Fixed not being able to split shots on clients if projectile is already destroyed on the host - GAME: Fixed possibility for two projectiles to create a blast barrier instead of hitting objects - GAME: Fixed missing left ember spawner on The Catacombs - GAME: Random map is refreshed when returning to the lobby from a match - GFX: Fixed the tint of Epi's ghost in his victory pose - UI: "Keyboard" is now properly localized on player selectors - UI: Fixed potential for game to stall if localized text parsing fails in some edge cases - UI: Better spacing in GIF end cards for multi-line Steam usernames - UI: Fixed Connect button being selected after removing IP digits using the GUI - UI: Various minor layout fixes for different locales - UI Fixed ready up indicator minor scaling issues - AUDIO: Fixed replays always playing SFX at max volume - EPI: Fixed ghost Epi getting hit instead of real Epi if standing in the same spot # v1.6.50 - April 13, 2018 ### New - UI: Player colors are changeable in the lobby for the match - UI: Available powerups can be customized in match setup - UI: Exported animated GIFs have an end card with the winning hero, date, and Steam name ### Updates - PROTEUS: Scanner drone shock count reverted to 3 pulses instead of 2 - CRONUS: Bomb drop speed increased from 10 to 12 - CARMEN: Blocks take 3 bumps to remove the reflector shield instead of 5 - CARMEN: Max simultaneous blocks reduced from 3 to 2 - CARMEN: Spam detection time window increased from 0.5s to 0.75s after placing a block - PHOEBE: Phoebe can't teleport back for 0.25s after teleporting - RONIN: Spam count reduced from 3 to 2 slashes before cooldown sets in - GAME: Guardians deploy from powerup pickup position - GAME: Land Grab default time limit reduced from 150s to 90s - GAME: Birds will scatter from Aether's pound and Cronus' bombs - GAME: More heroes can reliably buffer the next shot during their ability - NET: Host join key is persistent for the entire game session if the region is the same - NET: Last client join key used is saved for the session - UI: Guardian shows an indicator over targeted players when they are visible - UI: Title & Invisigun electricity FX don't continue forever - UI: Initial player choice is consistent (always begins on Selene) - UI: Custom phrases show an indicator on the victory phrase dialog - UI: Changed training pause label from "Exit" to "Menu" - UI: Updated victory phrase character presentation - UI: Lobby hero selectors show a loading spinner until they're ready for input - UI: Improved some powerup icons - UI: Added some icons to options buttons - UI: Smoother and more accurate replays and exported GIFs - UI: Even faster animated GIF exporting - UI: Replay GIFs show connection strength for online matches - UI: Better mini powerup icons on the scoreboard - AUDIO: Updated map loading audio cue - GFX: Power shots have a subtle animation on the front of the projectile - GFX: Softer rolloff for lighting fx ### Map Updates - The Conundrum: layout adjustments - Polar Express: minor tile swap, fewer ember spawns from the edges ### Fixes - CARRIER: Fixed some bumping and positioning issues - SELENE: Selene can't evade scanner drone detection by jumping anymore - SELENE: Fixed not being able to buffer a shot after a double jump - CRONUS: Fixed issues with bomb trail timings when the game is paused - CRONUS: Fixed drop target stopping when bringing up the match menu during an online game - CRONUS: Fixed soot tracks sometimes showing up where a player was before stepping into soot - PHOEBE: Fixed proper destruction of projectiles teleported under mine carts - PHOEBE: Added some failsafe checks to prevent Phoebe getting shot immediately after teleporting online - PHOEBE: Potential fix for getting shot right after teleporting online - EPI: Fixed real Epi disappearing from spectator view & replays while ghost Epi is teleporting - EPI: Fixed possibility for remote client Epi to teleport to ghost's position on button mash - EPI: Fixed ghost Epi not leaving soot prints from Cronus' bombs - IRIS: More accurate powerup pickups while dashing online - IRIS: Fixed occasional failure for client dashes to work properly on remote connections - IRIS: Fixed occasional inability to dash through proximity doors - RONIN: Fixed some slash FX not showing up for remote clients - GAME: Fixed incorrect bot showing victory pose - GAME: Guardians could destroy the wrong shots if the original target was already destroyed - GAME: Fixed potential for mine carts to get stuck against some rocks - GAME: Fixed conveyor belt speed and player positioning due to physics timestep changes - GAME: Potential fix for projectiles sometimes stalling - GAME: Powerups don't repeatedly drop while the match is inactive - GAME: Fixed potential for projectiles to sometimes ricochet in diagonal directions - GAME: Fixed potential for two orthogonal projectiles to sometimes create diagonal cluster bombs - GAME: Fixed players not being able to get hit by their own split shots - GAME: Fixed players being invulnerable to their own cluster shots - GAME: Improved accuracy of cluster bomb spawn location - GAME: Fix for hitting your own resisted shots if walking into them with lag - GAME: Fixed an issue causing short stun times canceling existing, longer stun times - GAME: Fixed occasional possibility for players to be invisible during respawns or round resets - UI: Navigating back from Match Setup after arriving from Host a Match returns to Join Scene - UI: Fixed incorrect "up" controller label on player selectors in lobby - UI: Fixed traning pause menu input label when switching between keyboard and controllers - UI: Fixed spectator replay controls when switching between keyboard and controllers - UI: Fixed flickering UI elements on instant replay following export of GIF - UI: Fixed erratic replay lengths, playback, timing and GIF exports depending on device specs # v1.6.25 - February 27, 2018 ### New - Localization: Italian - New Cerebrus map: Summit - New Cerebrus map: Yinyang - New Cerebrus map: Polar Express ### Updates - CRONUS: Bombs no longer show nearby player indicator - CRONUS: Bomb impact area powers up the longer the target is left out - CRONUS: Bombs briefly show the impact area when a target is marked - CRONUS: Bombs leave soot on the floor which makes players leave a footprint trail - PROTEUS: Scanner drone shocks tagged players 2 times instead of 3 - PROTEUS: Scanner drone re-deploy cooldown also applies to self-destruction - UI: Simplified lobby host info; better readability and presentation - UI: "Join Code" is now known as a "Join Key" - UI: Post-round scoreboard shows Steam nicknames - UI: Post-match stats table headers changed to icons for localization space - UI: Reduced controller vibration in some UI scenes - GFX: Better tile transitions in maps with very different adjacent surface types - GFX: Improved Selene's victory pose sprite - AUDIO: Subtle audio cue when you first start moving to another tile, as input confirmation ### Fixes - CRONUS: Fixed an issue where the center bomb tiles spawned simultaneously instead of staggered - CRONUS: Fixed bomb trails damaging scanner drones by touching their scan radius - GAME: Fixed revealer carrying over to the next round - CARRIER: Fixed carrier ball interactions while players are teleporting - UI: Fixed being able to quickly back out of scenes while they are transitioning in - UI: Fixed "Player Disconnected" popups when remote clients try to join an active match - UI: Fixed spam cooldown indicator still visible when a player dies - UI: Fixed blank lobby region flag when joining a match in "ANY" region - UI: Fixed flag icon showing in lobby when connected via IP - UI: Long controller names are truncated in lobby player selectors - GFX: Fixed pit beasts sorting issues with sand piles - GFX: Fixed y-sorting of Beast Tamer coins - GFX: Fixed y-sorting of some fence posts on Ice Prison - GFX: Fixed map objects showing proper bump FX over network - AUDIO: Fixed music fade out when exiting challenge mode # v1.6.15 - February 5, 2018 ### New - New Cerebrus map: Back to the Future ### Updates - RONIN: Slashed players will incur 0.25s of hard stun / push back, and 0.35s of soft stun - PROTEUS: Scanner Drone won't continue to shock dead players - PROTEUS: Next Scanner Drone has a 3s cooldown from the time the last was destroyed (if shot down) - CRONUS: Drop target movement speed increased from 0.17s to 0.15s per tile - CRONUS: Bomb hit time & lingering fire increased from 1s to 1.5s - AETHER: Ground pound hit window is active for 0.25s instead of 1 frame - GAME: Arx-515 teleporters are disabled for 1.25s while being used - GAME: Reduced visibility time after firing from 0.75s to 0.5s - GAME: Slightly reduced replay recording memory usage - GAME: Improved presentation of players visible due to Revealer powerup - GAME: Players are snapped to the nearest tile when firing perpendicular to movement - GFX: Removed FX when revealer ends, which had the potential to reveal real Epi's position - GFX: Clarified readability of some boundaries on Aqueduct - GFX: Powerup parachute drops are slightly transparent until near the ground - UI: Hero Profile demos properly show ability cooldown indicators ### Fixes - EPI: Fixed cluster shots from ghost Epi breaking shields - CRONUS: Fixed target disappearing on clients after attempting a drop over a disallowed area - CRONUS: Better drop target local simulation and feel for remote clients - MAPS: Added missing fence posts around holes on Conundrum - GAME: Slightly increased physics step rate to prevent some fast-moving collision misses - GAME: Fixed bumping builder blocks destruction after the reflection shield is already gone - GAME: Fixed potential to get shot in your original spot after teleporting online - GFX: Fixed projectile collision visuals' positions due to high-speed physics - GFX: Fixed projectile collision visuals' positions on network clients - GFX: Fixed exported GIF speeds due to vsync differences - UI: Fixed occasional disappearing in-match pause menu - UI: Fixed Proteus hero profile demo - UI: Fixed insane speed when changing controller setup types using left stick - PREFS: custom config file will no longer be reset during updates (after this release) - PREFS: custom config file has option to disable fullscreen FX for strobe-sensitive players # v1.6.1 - December 28, 2017 - The Cronus Update ### New - New hero: Cronus - New planet: Cerebrus (Kickstarter Cartographers' designs) - New Cerebrus map: Temple Garden - New Cerebrus map: Triple Trouble - New Cerebrus map: The Four Seasons - New Cerebrus map: Aqueduct - New Cerebrus map: Ice Prison - New Cerebrus map: Cold Storage - New Cerebrus map: The Conundrum - Localization: Spanish (Latin American, ES-419) ### Updates - UI: Added ability to change the game mode in the post-match menu - UI: Improved map thumbnails (reflects game-lighting) - UI: Time-based game modes modifier increment changed from 10s to 5s - UI: Changed UI title font to support more localization glyphs - GFX: Cluster bombs match their owner's color ### Fixes - UI: Fixed "FREE" resolution setting in windowed mode always reverting back to fixed sizes - UI: Fixed resolution / bluriness when using Alt+Enter to toggle fullscreen # v1.5.70 - October 25, 2017 - The Pumpkin Patch ### New - New powerup: Cluster Shot - New powerup: Guardian ### Updates - GAME: Blizzards vary in intensity, with max intensity slighty reduced - MAPS: Adjusted Zone Control area on The Long Run - GFX: Updated frozen player visuals - GFX: More efficient pooling & performance for sprite trails (dash, jump, etc) - SELENE: Added a subtle jump trail - UI: Updated some sprites to reduce buzzing on contrast-sensitive monitors - UI: Updated discord URL to the verified official address: discord.gg/invisigun - UI: Minor update to Epi's character image ### Fixes - GAME: Fixed being able to act on an already-existing shot after picking up Split Shot - GAME: Fixed resistance & diagonal shot interactions - GAME: More reliable slow-motion timing for end-of-round moments - AI: Fixed several path-finding errors for bots - AI: Fixed bots staying in place momentarily while soft-stunned - SELENE: Fixed buffered shots still firing when landing on another player - RONIN: Slashing a player shouldn't remove their shield - MAPS: Fixed asymmetrical issue on Snowergrown # v1.5.50 - September 22, 2017 ### New - NET: Join & invite your Steam friends through the in-game lobby menu or Steam friends list - GAME: Experimental fallback for unsupported controllers & generic USB gamepads - GAME: Added an achievement for completing the training - UI: Your Steam nickname will show at the top left of the title screen - UI: New lobby chat message: "I'm going to spectate this match." - PREFS: Set your own data export path in the "config.json" file in the game directory ### Updates - GAME: The shield is only lost when dealt actual damage (not via stuns, Yeti breath, etc) - GAME: Lower chance of character repetition when choosing random heroes - GAME: More obvious shocked/soft-stun effect and audio - GAME: Bubble Suit removed - NET: Online play requires the latest version if there's an update available - AETHER: Aether is immobile for 0.3s after a ground pound - AETHER: Aether's spam cooldown increased from 0.5s to 0.7s - AETHER: Aether's pound has a circular radius of 2 units from his center - AETHER: Pound hard stuns for 1.25s - AETHER: Pound pushback force is uniform - CARMEN: Destroyed block rubble remains for 3s instead of 0.5s - PROTEUS: Tagged players are slowed more (multiplier changed from 0.65x to 0.45x) - PROTEUS: The Scanner Drone can't be self-destroyed while pulse-revealing players - IRIS: Spam allowed reduced from 3 to 2 - EPI: Epi has an ability cooldown of 2s if the ghost is killed (no self-imposed cooldown) - UI: "Join Public Match" is now "Quick Match" with an icon update - UI: Searching for a public match in "Any" region is faster - UI: More fun title screen news ### Fixes - GAME: Fixed projectiles having no velocity if split while being reflected - GAME: Fixed controller lockup in lobby when switching from previously chosen player slots - GAME: Fixed perma-visibility after teleporting while revealed - GAME: Fixed disappearing revealer if it's pursuing a teleporting player - GAME: Fixed possibility that a Beast Tamer pit beast could spawn outside the map - AETHER: Aether no longer gets stunned if walking into a player that he pounded - EPI: Fixed real Epi teleporting to ghost Epi if inputs are triggered twice in a frame - UI: Fixed some lobby UI initialization before an online match is created - UI: Fixed edge cases that could cause a client to be stuck "waiting for host" in the lobby - UI: Fixed pause menu "Return to Lobby" button for Challenge Mode - UI: Fixed color & bloom values in field guide # v1.5.30 - September 6, 2017 ### Updates - UI: The mouse cursor is visible over the game when in windowed mode ### Fixes - NET: Fixed some games remaining listed on the matchmaker while matches are in progress - UI: Handled game stalling if the GIF replay export fails due to file permissions - UI: Fixed broken controller assignment edge case in lobby that could stall player selectors - UI: Fixed incorrect image mask on lobby hero sprites during initial join in - GE: Fixed random map selection initialization # v1.5.21 - September 3, 2017 ### Updates - UI: Better scrolling in lobby chat message selector - LOC: Some updates to new JP text strings ### Fixes - UI: Fixed flickering of title screen news box - NET: Reverted player movement synchronization to old method due to new issues # v1.5.20 - August 31, 2017 ### New - MAPS: New Nemoris map: The Orchard - MAPS: New Glaciarii map: The Outpost - MAPS: New Arx-515 map: The Nerve Center - MAPS: New Arenae map: The Chasm - MAPS: New Craterus map: The Catacombs - UI: New lobby chat message: "Are you ready?" - UI: New lobby chat message: "Waiting for more cadets..." - UI: The scoreboard shows a progress bar while a player is waiting to respawn - UI: Redesigned the battle mode select interface - CARMEN: Destroyed builder blocks leave rubble for 0.5s that prevent new blocks in the same spot ### Updates - GAME: Base reload speed increased from 0.5s to 0.75s - GAME: Resistance distance reduced from 5 to 4 - GAME: Reload Speed powerup stack increased from 2 to 3 - GAME: Updated death animation sprites to show Invisigun dropping - GAME: Respawn time for respawn game modes scales up with player count (4s, 5s, 6s) - GAME: Beast Tamer diameter increased from 3 tiles to 5 tiles - GAME: Zone Control default time reduced from 60s to 45s - NET: Split shots for laggy clients is more accurate to local projectile position - NET: Reduced some bandwidth usage - NET: Smoother player movement - UI: Added new victory phrases from tournament winner (Scaltra) - UI: Brightened player nicknames on scoreboard a little bit - UI: Achievements earned scene can be skipped - PROTEUS: Scanner drone movement speed increased from 6.5 to 7.5 - PROTEUS: Scanner debuff time increased from 1s to 1.5s - PROTEUS: Scanner drone shock effects match debuff duration - PROTEUS: Scanner drone does not stop moving when shocking tagged players - EPI: Epi no longer fakes a step effect when toggling the ghost - IRIS: Improved dash feel & visual smoothness online - CARMEN: Bumping blocks 5 times also damages them instead of just removing the reflector - AETHER: Projectiles in range are no longer damaged on the first windup frame - GFX: More color variation in bird flocks ### Map Updates - The Great Hall: Removed 4 trigger walls to open up channels into the center - Carte Blanche: Updated to have 2 carrier tokens at top & bottom centers ### Fixes - UI: Fixed some color tinting issues with hero images - UI: Fixed cooldown indicator orientation for mirrored spectator rounds - UI: Fixed initial scoreboard values in time-delayed spectator mode - UI: Fixed time-delay icon showing up when there are no spectators - GAME: Fixed carrier starting positions on Red Rob's Border - GAME: Fixed carrier starting positions on Ring of Fire - GAME: Fixed head start visibility when host is spectating - GAME: Fixed stall if the round ended early while a host specator was in time delay - GAME: Fixed carrier token positioning while teleporting - GAME: Fixed zone colors being too washed out for bright color palette choices - GAME: Fixed soft lockup if starting a public online match after exiting challenge mode - PROTEUS: Fixed potential scanner drone movement due to nearby physics collisions - PROTEUS: Fixed scanner drone targeting behaviour for tags that are out of bounds - PROTEUS: Fixed edge case that could prevent drone destruction & cause double-shocking - AETHER: Fixed windup FX staying onscreen in profile demo - IRIS: Fixed dashing perpendicularly while moving between two tiles - IRIS: Fixed sorting of dash trail - IRIS: Fixed trim color tinting of dash trail sprites - PHOEBE: Fixed sorting of portals and zone control effects - AUDIO: Fixed chained audio events not compensating for spectator mirroring - AUDIO: Fixed match over audio cue playing early for delayed spectator matches - AUDIO: Fixed hard panning of audio cues at horizontal map boundaries - SYSTEM: Added fallback handler for corrupt stats data - SYSTEM: Added fallback handler for corrupt challenge data # v1.5.1 - August 11, 2017 (hotfix) ### Fixes - UI: Fix for scoreboard display in delayed spectator mode # v1.5.0 - August 11, 2017 - The Spectator Update ### New - NET: Spectator mode with visibility options! Simply join a lobby without a hero. - NET: Streamer mode lets you launch a 2nd game copy from the title screen with its own persistent preferences - UI: Rock paper scissors added to the lobby chat messages :) - UI: More game preferences are available in the match pause menu - UI: More game preferences are available in the training pause menu - UI: You can bring up the options/pause menu in online matches, but the match keeps running ### Updates - UI: Fullscreen and window sizes change immediately rather than after exiting options - UI: Inputs are processed only if the game is in focus - UI: Notice when instant replays begin - UI: Miscellaneous UI presentation updates (logo, Invisigun) - UI: Most vertical menus now wrap around when selecting items - UI: Outlined some small labels for readability - GFX: Hero profile demos show silhouettes for invisible players - EPI: Real Epi matches the animations and facing direction of Ghost Epi 1:1 - GAME: Proximity doors shots to jam reduced from 4 to 3 - GAME: Proximity doors jam time increased from 8s to 15s - MISC: Guest Edition preferences are separate from full edition - some prefs may be reset ### Map Updates - Pacmanesque: layout adjustments around the center - Split Decision: reduced the size of the sand pits - The Woods: positioning adjustments of boundary light shafts - The Thicket: Side paths created along left and right borders - Jungle Tomb: Entrances added to left and right edges of center - Edward's Snowed In: Removed snow patches under bushes and blocks - Carte Blanche: Removed top and bottom center mine carts - Chamber of Time: Removed center light shafts at left and right boundaries - X-Claim: Reversed polarity of two trigger walls to open up quadrant dynamics - Crypt Creeper: Opened up area surrounding powerups a bit - The Crate Divide: Opened up left and right channels a bit - The Great Hall: Trigger switches add to top and bottom centers - Dual Tracks: Moved spawn points out of the way of mine carts - Red Rob's Border: Created nooks in the top and bottom center regions ### Fixes - UI: Fixed character images sometimes over-tinting in lobby selectors - NET: Fixed timing edge case that could stall a match if a client disconnects - EPI: Revealer will continue to reveal both Real and Ghost Epi for its duration - IRIS: Fixed her dash trail sprites sometimes facing the wrong way - AETHER: Fixed not being able to ground pound sand piles - RONIN: Fixed not being able to slash sand piles - PHOEBE: Fixed sorting of portal counter label with other objects - MAPS: Fixed up some collision issues with neon signs on Arx-515 border walls - MAPS: Fixed some doubled-up tiles on Crypt Creeper that caused extraneous bumping - MISC: Much more efficient memory allocation of video buffers, less resource churn - MISC: Fixed interaction between Split Shots and Resistance - MISC: Firing when walking halfway off a portal will not cause you to teleport again - GAME: Fixed shots not colliding with their owners after being resisted # v1.4.11 - July 11, 2017 ### New - NET: You can search and join active LAN matches from the join menu ### Updates - BOTS: Phoebe is smarter about potentially teleporting a shot into herself - UI: Added flag icons in region selections and lobby host info - UI: Added locale icons in options - UI: Some join UI layout adjustments ### Fixes - NET: Fixed online case where Phoebe could fail to drop a portal where she teleports from - NET: Full online functionality restored on Linux, including NAT punch for direct connections - NET: Fixed some online connectivity issues on all platforms - NET: Fixed shots going through ghost Epi for remote players - NET: Fixed player positioning sync issues online - NET: Fixed some ability activations during teleportations with latency - GFX: Fixed case that generated incorrect blast barrier colors - GFX: Fixed black screen issue that occurs on some Linux configurations in fullscreen - GFX: Fixed some y-sorting issues with training room tiles - BOTS: bots properly navigate Arenae's changing trigger walls - BOTS: bots properly navigate around mine carts - BOTS: Carmen won't try placing blocks while inside an igloo - BOTS: Proteus won't try deploying a drone while inside an igloo - BOTS: Phoebe won't try and place a teleporter inside an igloo - BOTS: Ronin won't try and slash Yeti breath - UI: Fixed scene transitions when spamming back/exit - AUDIO: Made metal surface footstep sounds more distinguishable from concrete - MISC: Fixed possibility for blizzards to remain active into the next round - MISC: Fixed scanner drone tags remaining in Proteus' profile demo - MISC: Fixed high CPU usage on OS X # v1.4.5 - June 22, 2017 ### New - Localization: Japanese ### Updates - Ping times displayed in the UI are clamped at maximum values ### Fixes - Fixed default values for some UI text labels - Fixed handling of input during splash screen transitions - Fixed replay rewind audio cue stacking up on repeat - Epi does not flash when activating his ability - Fixed chat indicators briefly showing when quickly exiting the lobby - Fixed sorting issue with drone and blizzards - Fixed fade out of blizzard audio when replays are finished - Teleporters rewritten from scratch to address local & online issues - Fixed issues with teleporting while stunned or soft stunned - Fixed sorting issue with frozen players and powerups - Fixed players sometimes getting bumped when adjacent to a frozen player - Fixed positioning issues with frozen players and some collision edge cases - Fixed positioning of Full Version lock icon in main menu for Guest Edition - Fixed missing dust kickup FX while running & visible on clients - Fixed pause menu audio cues playing during replays - Reworked blizzard audio cue to fix some edge cases - Fixed Ronin's slash hitting his own frozen block - Improved keyboard input handling in join scene - Improved input validation when typing in an IP address - Fixed Epi teleporting if deactivating ghost while standing on a teleporter - Fixed pit beasts not receding from an adjacent Epi that has a ghost out # v1.4.0 - June 13, 2017 - The Firmware Update ### Balance Changes - Proteus: Drone reworked from the ground up - Proteus: Drone deployment time reduced from 0.4s to 0.25s - Proteus: Drone no longer automatically follows targets - Proteus: Drone reveals, slows, and tags players in range - Proteus: Drone provides distance and direction indicators on any tagged players - Proteus: Activating again will reveal & slow tagged players 3 times in a pulse - Aether: Activations before cooldown reduced from 2 to 1 - Aether: Cooldown increased from 0.375s to 0.5s - Phoebe: Can teleport 3 times, then the portal is destroyed and must be re-created - Selene: Jump time increased from 0.5s to 0.6s ### New - Choose your own character color palette in options - New controller support: Hori Fighting Commander 4 (Mac, Windows) - The options menu item shows an icon when it has new features - Lobby shows indicators when remote players are choosing a chat message ### Updates - Security camera behavior improvement (prioritize new targets based on motion) - Security cameras track players slightly faster - Clarified shorthand units in the UI (like "s" for seconds) - Improved meteor trail visuals - You can quickly scroll through chat message selections by holding down the input - Scanner Drone trim matches owner's color - Run speed initial multiplier reduced from 1.4 to 1.35 - Slightly adjusted ambient SFX compression during loud sounds - Updated scanner drone radius visuals - Added dev footnote to Sombr Studio splash screen - Tall weeds no longer slow down projectiles - Tall weeds rustle audio cue is at a lower volume when caused by projectiles - Adjusted options menu layout - Windowed resolution shows the actual sizes in options - Updated scanner drone audio cues - Security camera detection radius reduced to the immediate 8 surrounding tiles ### Fixes - Fixed replay indicators showing up for dead players inside igloos - Fixed meteor drop speed compensation for frame rate - Complete sorting pass for everything in the game - Fixed code reflection error causing some log spam - Fixed ground pound damaging objects with trigger radii - Fixed proximity gate activation by bumping into an object adjacent to it - Fixed particles initialization issue with projectiles - Fixed failure to focus and remap keyboard layout controls in options - Fixed destruction of meteor particle trails on impact - Fixed post-match UI focus for Guest Edition hosts - Fixed Epi with Silent Steps making a fake step when toggling the Ghost - Fixed post-match map selection after a specific map is chosen from all planets - Selene is still tracked by a scanner drone while she is airborne - Fixed instances of deactivating the Ghost revealing Epi - Fixed bot information on player selectors while bots are joining - Fixed edge case that could sometimes prevent step FX from showing up - Fixed bounds check on statistics - Fixed shorter stun situations overriding pre-existing longer stun situations - Fixed possibility for players to push through each other after repetitive bumps - Fixed Bubble Shield incorrectly preventing soft-stun in non-bump situations - Fixed remote clients being able to spam the ready input before a round - Fixed cases where bots could still fire while frozen - Fixed case where the wrong bot could sometimes earn a point in Challenge Mode - Fixed cold breath effects vertical position on Glaciarii maps - Fixed some UI text layout issues with menu items - Fixed animated spinner graphic in post-match waiting-for-host UI # v1.3.15 - May 13, 2017 (hotfix) ### Fixes - GAME: data issue preventing matches from starting # v1.3.14 - May 13, 2017 ### New - New powerup: Bubble Suit - New powerup: Resistance - Connection strength indicators added to player lobby - New player lobby UI layout ### Updates - Credits music track updated to match final release - Removed "Exporting replay" net message - 'custom_phrases.txt' is now stored in ~/Invisigun Heroes/ - Custom phrases has its own options panel with more clear instructions - SFX adjustments in options plays shot sound for reference - Any player can export a replay GIF (not just the winner) - Replay is viewable during GIF export - Removed Ability Recharge powerup (unbalanced) - Pressing submit again will locally dismiss your lobby message right away - Split shot is limited to a stock count on pickup, but stacks with no cap - Base resolution changed to match aspect ratio of 16:9 (screen options will be reset) - Better sprite sorting for composite objects (powerups, security cameras, minecarts) - Builder blocks at spawn positions will be destroyed if a player respawns into them - Added version update warning when hosting a match - Run speed initial multipler increased from 1.25 to 1.4 - Run speed max multiplier increased from 1.5 to 1.65 ### Fixes - GE: Fixed some options resetting when returning to match setup (bots, etc) - Text indicating bots will join only show up on appropriate number of lobby slots - Fixed respawning of final sudden death players that are dead when it starts - Fixed NAT punchthrough for direct online connections with Mac hosts - Fixed some pixel scaling artifacts on ready indicators - Ping calculations and connection strength UI are finally fixed! - Fixed UI transition issue in Field Guide when spamming Back button - Fixed issue preventing Selene from double-jumping in close proximity to a projectile - Fixed pausing & resuming of some long sounds when the game is paused - Fixed slow down / speed up replay input labels for keyboard players - Fixed real Epi getting hit by Yeti breath and ghost Epi shots - Fixed Aether's windup effect playing when he's inside an igloo - Fixed a few igloo sprite clipping issues - Fixed dismissing a dialog in lobby also applying input to player selectors right after - Fixed shield appearing for a single frame when activating Ghost Epi - Fixed input spamming issues with lobby chat messages - Fixed Epi visibility when disabling Ghost during lightning - Fixed real Epi's shield showing up for one frame when visible Ghost is deactivated - Fixed real Epi being revealed if deactivating a Ghost under a Scanner Drone - Fixed lobby chat messages sometimes not hiding - Fixed replay hidden indicators inside igloos when players are visible - Fixed ready indicator UI glitch on initial visibility - Fixed builder block creation audio cue inadvertently playing in some cases - Fixed network port resetting to 7777 for IP games after playing matchmaker games # v1.3.0 - April 27, 2017 - The Milk Tea Update ### New - New: Guest Edition lets your friends play free - Send pop up chat messages in the player lobby - New Craterus map: Dual Tracks - New Arenae map: The Great Hall - New Nemoris map: Jungle Tomb - New Glaciarii map: Snow Chute - New Arx-515 map: Vomitron - Added a master volume audio option - Master volume for new installations is set to 70% - Master volume can be adjusted in training & match pause menus ### Updates - Conveyor belts have a new metal footstep surface sound - Tall weeds will slow projectiles - Survival defaults to 4 rounds instead of 5 - Challenge mode is 2, 3, and 4 rounds for Easy, Medium, and Hard respectively - Updated credits scene music track to final OST version - Updated some credits - Instant replays have a "Visible Replay" label - Player lobby selections are made using the Fire button only - Epi's ghost shot stun reduced from 0.35s to 0.2s - With a Shield powerup, hard stun time is reduced from 0.33s to 0s - Steam vents have a metal footstep sound - Added random planet selection UI transition in match setup - Clarified input controls displayed on lobby player selectors - Reduced music volume default mix to 80% for new installs - Adjusted UI transition audio blips - More dynamic and flexible news tidbits on the title screen - Updated the random planet & random map icon - Instant replays show the game version - Random map shows the set size in the player lobby ### Fixes - Fixed weeds not interacting with projectiles on clients - Fixed missing shield indicator on real Epi with active ghost Epi - Fixed real Epi with shield dying on projectile impact with active ghost Epi - Fixed Ronin slashing real Epi having no effects aside from deactivating ghost Epi - Fixed missing zone on Snow Country for Cold Men - Fixed double selection arrows on map selectors when random is chosen - Fixed some pixel-scaling issues with popcorn text and ready indicators - FIxed missing mine cart tracks near lava on Firewall - Updated Rewired input manager to - Fixed audio spatialization of trigger walls and meteors in Field Guide - Fixed general dialog box focus issues - Fixed post-match disconnection dialog focus on client when host disconnects - Fixed disconnection state if client has no players when the match starts - Fixed client stuck in joining state when host has disconnected at the same time - Fixed proper client disconnection if moving into lobby as host moves on to match - Fixed conveyor belts sometimes playing improper footstep surface sound - Fixed players getting stuck on teleporters after teleporting with laggy connections - Fixed empty in-game changelog - Fixed an issue that could affect saving and loading of external data files - Fixed y-sorting issues with a lot of small effects (dust puffs, etc) - Fixed footstep sound inconsistency on mine cart tracks - Some minor Field Guide description edits - Fixed possibility of mine carts shaking a bit when at rest - Fixed Epi triggering surface effect where he stands on ghost toggle - Fixed Epi triggering surface effect that is under an occupied tile on ghost toggle - Fixed trigger walls colliding with players when stepping on a switch adjacent to them - Fixed position-on-death issue after real Epi activates a Ghost on a conveyor belt - Fixed footstep sound effects sometimes playing when Match scene is transitioning out - Fixed Challenge Mode post-round UI progress bar values for bots - Fixed net synchronization of Epi's fake step on ghost activation & deactivation - Fixed Selene being able to jump over Yeti caves - Fixed proximity doors remaining open due to presence of dead bodies - Fixed y-sorting conflict between powerups and gold inside mine carts - Fixed security camera audio still playing after it has been destroyed - Fixed continue audio cue not playing on clients in lobby - Sudden death in Deadline works properly (next kill wins, no more timer) # v1.2.0 - March 8, 2017 ### Updates - Reduced the contrast in some city floor tiles - Added "Mechanics" section to the Field Guide - Improved respawn logic to prevent spawning near players - Adjusted audio center point offset in Hero Profiles and Field Guide - Added Blast Barriers to the Field Guide - Added Soft Stun to the Field Guide - Added Hard Stun to the Field Guide - Added Ability Cooldown to the Field Guide ### Map Updates - Layout adjustments to Lock Down - Layout adjustments to Big Brother - Layout adjustments to The Warehouse - Layout adjustments to Urban Garden - Major layout adjustments to Quadriplex - Quadriplex renamed to Teleplex - Layout adjustments to Convey-or-Die - Layout adjustments to Plutonium Pass - Layout adjustments to Quarantine - Layout adjustments to Overstalked - Layout adjustments to Sand Trap - Layout adjustments to The Wine Cellar - Layout adjustments to The Walls are Alive - Layout adjustments to Cerebral Prison - Layout adjustments to X-Claim - Layout adjustments to Shifty Eyes - Layout adjustments to The Crate Divide - Layout adjustments to Abandoned Mine - Layout adjustments to Red Rob's Border - Layout adjustments to Carte Blanche - Reduced max embers on Fire Carter from 10 to 6 - Layout adjustments to Ring of Fire - Layout adjustments to Firewall - Layout adjustments to Ruins - Layout adjustments to Choke Point - Layout adjustments to Let it Go - Layout adjustments to Snow Country for Cold Men - Layout adjustments to Snow Your Enemy - Layout adjustments to Snovergrown - Layout adjustments to Taken Atoll - Layout adjustments to Edward's Snowed In - Layout adjustments to Trailmazer - Layout adjustments to Tunnel Vision - Layout adjustments to Cold Town - Layout adjustments to The Long Run ### Fixes - Fixed hidden electricity animations on Invisiguns in UI scenes - Fixed issue with teleporter not repeatedly working if landing on it with Selene - Fixed instant death when shooting next to a falling sand pile (online) - Fixed another issue allowing Phoebe to teleport the sides of split shots - The replay indicator is hidden while a player is teleporting - Fixed Iris' dash trail being visible inside igloos - Fixed scanner drone seeking audio not playing on remote clients - Fixed push-back on Carmen's block causing a tile bump behind the player - Added missing tile bump audio cues in Field Guide - Fixed Yeti entering/exiting sound in Field Guide when not in focus - Fixed Real Epi not being able to collect powerups where he stands - Fixed Epi's profile demo # v1.1.7 - March 2, 2017 ### Updates - Layout & zone changes on The Pump Station - Removed Epi's scoreboard eye twinkle on ghost activation/deactivation - Slightly adjusted electricity audio cue ### Fixes - Fixed missing trail effect on Iris' dash - Fixed instant death when shooting next to a falling sand pile - Fixed Survival scoring issues involving suicides - Fixed remote client stuck outside of map if performing an action while unfreezing - Fixed mine carts bumping into players that are adjacent by 1 tile - Fixed sorting issue between window light shafts and powerup drops - Ronin & Carmen bots don't try to counter yeti breath # v1.1.6 - March 1, 2017 ### Updates - Bots scoreboard values make more sense in Challenge Mode (out of 1) - Added Cancel button to Join Public Match UI - Join UI input panels highlight currently entered character/digit - World map highlights current region when searching "Any" - Some explosions and destruction SFX will slightly duck the ambience audio - Master audio channel has a precautionary limiter - Aether stuns the scientist in his profile demo - Hero Profiles demo scientist shows effects when stunned - Slight adjustment to Proteus' ability description - Phoebe will only teleport the middle projectile of split shots - Real Epi hit by Yeti breath will be taken out of ghost mode and frozen - Real Epi hit by ghost Epi shots will be taken out of ghost mode ### Fixes - Fixed blizzard sometimes not synchronizing online - Fixed ghost Epi's shots becoming lethal on death over network - Fixed wrong bot awarded victory at end of challenge rounds - Fixed matchmaking error when canceling and searching quickly - Fixed join match UI flickering while searching - Fixed sorting issue with mine cart tracks - Fixed sorting issue with fire particle systems - Fixed incorrect spawn position issues online - Fixed asymettrical zone on Carte Blanche - Fixed sorting issue with Pit Beast rubble particles - Join status label incorrectly read "Joining" when submitting an IP address - Removed some slight distortion from blizzard audio cue - Fixed player position sync issues when frozen, spawning, and outside boundaries - Fixed potential net desync of player inputs causing running in place - Fixed initial player selector lock-in audio pile up when a client joins - Fixed remote unready player ability descriptions visible on clients - Fixed non-zero-crossing clicks in some audio source files - Fixed trigger walls stunning players into other trigger walls about to rise - Fixed timing issues that caused Epi to teleport to ghost position online - Fixed lingering replay indicator for remote clients that disconnect mid-match - Fixed match timer sometimes stuck at 00:00:00 for remote clients - Fixed Phoebe being able to teleport from the same location as her portal - Fixed ghost effect showing over real Epi when killed with the ghost out - Fixed repeatedly being stunned through a series of trigger walls - Potential fix for all action-after-death scenarios - Fixed edge case allowing for match to continue with only 1 connected player - Fixed Ronin's power shot killing real Epi when hitting a ghost online - Fixed score/kill counter mismatch on remote clients when killing real Epi - Fixed Iris being able to dash through her projectile if it has been slowed - Fixed lots of Epi collision, stun, and edge cases # v1.1.1 - February 24, 2017 ### Matchmaking Improvements - Full and ongoing matches are properly omitted from searches - Player setup UI has a new indicator to show the number of remote connections - UI notice in lobby when clients are waiting for the host to return - Host Match button added to online menu - Host Match from online menu defaults to allow remote players, random planet & map - Joining a public match will continue to search for a match until canceled - Removed "BEST" region selection - Added "Any" region selection, which searches all regions for a match - Regions use full names instead of abbreviations - Join codes are shorter and use hexadecimal digits - Join codes can be used on public matches as well to join a specific match - Player setup UI updated to reflect new join codes and private status - Remote players option simplified - Clients see region code in the lobby when connected to a host via relay ### Updates - Steam trading cards, badges, emoticons, and backgrounds - Less repetition when choosing random maps, persistent between sessions - Spawn points are moved off the cart tracks in Carte Blanche - UI indicators if you haven't visited Hero Profiles or the Field Guide - The Discord URL in the join UI is a button that opens a browser window - Victory phrases are synced online (unless host is using custom phrases) - Simplified and clarified hero ability descriptions - Toggle-options don't play two different audio cues - Added ability to toggle vsync in options - Bumping in the tutorial doesn't fail you, just gives you a notice - Updated introductory tutorial text to call out skipping - Ronin's Hero Profile demo now also demonstrates going through incoming fire - Carmen's Hero Profile is changed to show effect of shot reflection - Full release and beta builds check for different update statuses - Epi is soft stunned for 0.5s when the ghost is killed - Reverted drone/Epi fix - the drone will not target real Epi if ghost is out - Phoebe's initial teleporter is dropped where she stands - Improved jump and dash responsiveness with online latency - Countdown to ready in network matches up shows for local players too - Epi's Hero Profile demo demonstrates non-lethal ghost shots and ghost getting hit - Improved general online movement responsiveness - Removed small "X" icon from cooldown indicators - Updated shooting range target sprites in training - Smooth ready indicator transitions ### Fixes - Fixed broken reference to 64-bit Linux executable - Fixed a grid movement network sync issue - Fixed issue that would sometimes prevent interaction with dialogs - Fixed missing audio cue on clients when players lock/unlock their selections - Frozen players were not counted in Zone Control - Fixed issue where Pit Beasts could not sink into the ground on remote clients - Fixed getting stuck in a builder block at the end of a conveyor belt - Fixed split shots colliding with themselves after being teleported - Fixed occasional failure to respawn during online matches - Fixed input disabling during respawn - Fixed y-offset of players when bumped onto a conveyor belt - Fixed proximity doors closing momentarily when nearby players are stunned - Fixed occasional non-collision between a reflected shot and an incoming one - Fixed Ronin's slash power level decreasing when splitting a shot - Fixed issue resulting from canceling a join and then connecting again - Fixed y-sorting issue with shield/reflector indicators - Fixed real Epi's replay indicator visibility when in ghost mode - Fixed Selene being able to jump into/out of igloo doors sideways - Fixed Ronin's slash capturing projectiles through corners - Fixed Carmen being invulnerable to shots reflected off her own blocks - Fixed controller issue with readying up too early after entering the lobby - Fixed real Epi being stunned instead of just revealed when ghost is killed - Fixed sometimes not being able to move perpendicularly after bumping an object - Fixed Selene "rolling" through sand pits and on conveyor belts - Fixed proximity doors not functioning properly in online matches - Fixed text clipping / scaling issues within ready indicators - Fixed proximity door lights overlapping cooldown indicators - Fixed ground pound and drone detonation not damaging open doors - Fixed door health when unjamming after being hit while jammed - Fixed proximity doors opening when bumped from an adjacent wall - Fixed active option selections when navigating back and forth in setup screens - Fixed Ronin's slash not stunning Yeti in some situations - Fixed general collision issues with Yetis - Fixed Ronin's slash appearing while inside igloos in some situations - Potential fix for all action-after-death scenarios - Fixed UI option items showing double arrows in initial states - Fixed y-sorting with Selene's jump shadow - Enforced network sync of cooldown indicators - More reliable network sync of disturbance/footstep effects - Fixed missing rain ambience audio in some maps - Fixed missing cold breath on Edward's Snowed In - Fixed cyclical teleporter loop issues over network - Fixed cases that could cause repeated bumping when walking into objects - Fixed some lighting and sprite sorting issues in the tutorial - Fixed issue with Carmen getting stuck in or passing through her block with lag # v1.0.2 - February 13, 2017 ### Updates - Updated credits - Reduced volume of net message audio cue - Added an update available warning to the join scene for optimal matchmaking - Added a note about Discord to the join scene - Added Steam trading cards, badges, emoticons, and backgrounds - Blizzard volume reduced ### Fixes - Fixed being able to navigate left from "All" in the stats screen - Fixed ghost effect being played in real Epi's location when killed - Fixed y-sorting of Land Grab markers with other floor objects (rugs, etc) - Fixed input error when backing out of the join scene repeatedly - Fixed incorrect initial status label in join scene - Fixed direct IP UDP port not resetting to 7777 - Blizzard audio properly fades out on match exit - Fixed ghost interaction with light shafts - Fixed proximity doors being stuck open due to ghost toggle - Fixed steam vents being stuck covered due to ghost toggle - Fixed scanner drone not targeting real Epi while in ghost mode - Unplugging a controller only removes local players with unassigned devices - Victory phrase typo corrections - Real Epi doesn't stay wounded if ghost is slashed and then toggled off - Fixed scoring sync in online Land Grab # v1.0.1 - February 8, 2017 ### Fixes - Fixed y-sorting of boxes and fans - Fixed scanner drone lock-on and homing strength - Fixed null check in bot behavior dealing with projectiles # v1.0.0 RC1 - February 6, 2017 ### Updates - Soft stun time increased from 0.6s to 0.75s ### Fixes - Fixed memory leak when exporting replay GIFs - Fixed y-sorting issues with rugs - Fixed controller input icons for speed change labels in replay UI # v0.9.141b - February 5, 2017 ### Updates - Player bump stun time reduced from 0.5s to 0.4s - Player bump soft stun time reduced from 1.0s to 0.6s ### Fixes - Epi doesn't produce a fake step on ghost toggle when he has Silent Steps - Fixed regression bug where bumping Aether during windup will prevent the pound - Real Epi will be taken out of ghost mode and stunned when hit by a rising trigger wall - Fixed scanner drone interaction with players under igloo cover # v0.9.140b - February 4, 2017 ### Updates - Progress scene data is loaded over frames instead of all at once - Progress scene UI adjustments - Added achievements and notices for completing a skill level in each planet - Achievements earned are always shown between matches - Improved achievement earned audio cue ### Fixes - Fixed UI issues in progress scene - Fixed challenge mode not awarding player a point if bots kill themselves - Fixed edge case where projectile could hit a builder block and still hit Carmen # v0.9.139b - February 3, 2017 ### Fixes - Public and private server functionality restored for Linux # v0.9.138b - February 3, 2017 ### Updates - Updated copyright year ### Fixes - Fixed bots being able to shoot while in soft stun - Potential fix for Epi teleporting to ghost position in online matches # v0.9.137b - February 2, 2017 ### Updates - Player ping values are shown in the post-round UI for online connections - Ronin's slash will push mine carts - Scanner drone detonation will push mine carts - Scanner drone detonation will stun the Yeti - Ground pound will stun the Yeti # v0.9.136b - February 2, 2017 ### Updates - Better respawn logic to prevent spawning too close to other players - If both players are stunned, they won't stun again when bumping ### Fixes - Fixed sorting issue with scanner drone sight radius and igloo ceilings - Fixed sorting of parachute shadows - Fixed projectile stuck in place if teleported while being reflected - Fixed eye twinkle showing up on all Epi scoreboard panels - Potential fix for white screen during replays on maps with lightning # v0.9.135b - February 1, 2017 ### Updates - Connection strength indicator shows an error state in some conditions - Challenge mode skill is appended to the top information UI during the match - Players are soft-stunned after bumping, during which firing & abilities are disabled - Selene jumps a bit lower (visual only) when nearby and under igloos - Proteus can't deploy a scanner drone when inside an igloo - Ronin's slash will stun the yeti ### Fixes - Fixed Proteus' nose in his player images - Server information reads "1 connection" instead of "1 connections" - Fixed returning to player setup over relay connections - Fixed issue when readying up too quickly while creating an online match - Fixed choppy movement of slowed projectiles over network - Fixed sorting issue with airborne Selene and igloo walls - Fixed scanner drone targeting players inside igloos - Fixed scanner drone stunning players inside igloos on detonation - Fixed sorting issues with slash - Slash doesn't show up inside igloos - Fixed Ronin's profile demo # v0.9.134b - February 1, 2017 ### Updates - Increased volume of chat messages ### Fixes - Fixed dimming of dead players' scoreboard UI at end of round - Fixed victory phrase typo - Fixed sync of chat message animation and audio cue - Fixed start match indicator showing up if only clients have players in the match - Bots fight each other more frequently if all humans are dead - Fixed controller input labels on player setup - Fixed disconnection errors and scene switching issues # v0.9.133b - January 31, 2017 ### Updates - Huge logic pass and improvements to bot AI - More calculated intentional differences between bot skill levels - Easy bots are much easier than they used to be - Adjusted lighting on Crypt Creeper - Added asteroid field to title screen - Modified projectile trail - reduced visual noise - Slight adjustment to popcorn text appearance ### Fixes - Fixed navigating down from match setup modifiers to adjust inactive player options - Fixed framerate spikes & slowdown when viewing the challenge list in the progress scene - Bots know not to seek powerups & treasure while in ghost mode - Fixed bump stun time for players with a shield powerup active - Exiting the match or challenge from the pause menu displays a confirmation dialog - Fixed vibration in options giving feedback if vibration was previously disabled - Fixed initial trigger wall collision state on The Walls are Alive - Fix for public & private servers on Windows! # v0.9.131b - January 29, 2017 ### Updates - Challenge buttons are selected by default in order of lowest incomplete skill - Challenges track attempts to succeed & total attempts separately (if you reset your "challenge.ihd" data file) - Updated chat message audio - Slightly reduced reverb wet mix on UI SFX bus - Minimum projectile velocity reduced from 5 to 3 - Added a new tip about leaving/joining the next match during player select - Replaced ready text with graphic in player setup - Removed indicator for whether or not a planet has been played (unnecessary) ### Fixes - Fixed nav map / collision issues with Trigger Wall initialization - Fixed audio cues when navigating to and from the challenge setup scene - Fixed failure of multiple shots from a player to collide with each other after being slowed - Fixed some more edge cases of not propery claiming Land Grab tiles - Fixed submit and cancel focus selections in post-match UI - Fixed players disappearing for good after being frozen - Fixed navigation map inconsistency after frozen players break free - Fixed case of bumping into real Epi not causing player stun / visibility - Fixed case of power shot killing real Epi when hitting ghost Epi - Fixed potential for projectiles to trigger more than one collision over the network # v0.9.130b - January 29, 2017 ### Updates - Post-match UI defaults to map selector instead of planet selector - Random planet / map selection is disabled for challenge mode - Pressing the Back/Cancel input on the title screen will confirm exiting - Added tooltips to the easy, medium, and hard buttons in challenge setup - Challenge maps are locked until you complete the previous map in that skill level - Bots have a variable chance to ignore disturbances caused by other bots - When choosing a challenge map, the highest unlocked difficulty button is selected first - Rearranged main menu a bit - Scoreboard UI dims for dead players while a round is active - Random planet label clarified, now says "All Maps" - Layout adjustments to The Crate Divide - Layout adjustments to Crypt Creeper - Hello Aaron. - Slight layout adjustments to Quarantine - Extremely slight layout adjustments to Snovergrown - Extremely slight layout adjustments to The Long Run - Extremely slight layout adjustments to Cerebral Prison ### Fixes - Fixed issues with falling sand and different match states / collision weirdness - Fixed map selection when returning to challenge setup UI - Fixed retaining of planet selection when changing game modes in match setup - Fixed player score flashing indicator overlap with character icon - Fixed some situations causing players to grab tiles (bump, spawn, death) - Potential fix for unintentional challenge skill selection after selecting a map - Fixed y-sorting issues with Trigger Walls when they change state - Fixed collision issues with Trigger Walls that have changed state - Fixed challenge mode pause menu exiting to battle mode match setup - Fixed replay hidden indicators visibility on death when inside igloos - Fixed display of title throughout the UI for hard skill level # v0.9.127b - January 27, 2017 ### Updates - Hidden indicators inside the igloos are visible in the replays - Better join error for clients if the match has already begun - Updated and cleaned up some credits sections - Added metric tracking for challenge results - Scoreboard chat messages only show for online matches - Redesigned main menu - More precision in exporting GIF percentage display ### Fixes - Lightning is visible in the replays - Fixed header label on replay UI while exporting - Disconnection UI notices are not shown for clients trying to join a full match - Fixed rounding error in options SFX and music percentage display - Fixed falling sand pile collision during matches - Fixed transition between main menu and training scene # v0.9.125b - January 26, 2017 ### Updates - Adjusted spawn points on Split Decision - Fixed y-sorting with powerups and trigger walls - Fixed y-sorting with powerups and walls on The Crate Divide - Scoreboard message bubbles have an audio cue - Selene spam cooldown time reduced from 0.75s to 0.6s - Selene spam allowed reduced from 4 to 2 - Post-match info does not hide when choosing Play Again until the map changes - Clearer dialog messaging when disconnecting from a match depending on client/server - Players can press ESC for a prompt to disconnect after selecting "Play Again" and waiting - Client messages now say when they are "Exporting the replay..." - Client messages indicate when remote players are reading the post-round info - Clients are disconnected when the match starts if they have no players in the game - Matches remain live when remote clients disconnect! (phew) - Epi: subtle twinkle in his eye on the scoreboard when toggling the Ghost ### Fixes - Fixed falling sand piles growing while round is not active - Slight network bandwidth optimization when not playing Land Grab - Client messages do not say "Watching the replay..." after they have finished watching it - Fixed post-match match info panel showing next random map right before changing scenes - Fixed music fade out bug when playing again skips the loading scene # v0.9.121b - January 25, 2017 ### Updates - Removed "perfect" condition for challenge mode (all-kills data is still stored) - Removed achievement based on perfecting the challenge mode - Updated challenge data UI in progress scene (easier to see complete / incomplete) - Overall challenge completion progress is shown in the challenge setup UI - Post-match map selector indicates if its challenge is complete at the current skill level ### Fixes - Fixed extraneous trigger walls inside borders of Crypt Creeper and Split Decision - Trigger walls are no longer bumped when rising behind you as you leave their space - Potential fix for online connectivity issue on Windows - Progress tabs correctly show completion percentage for challenge achievements - Fixed title screen & data race condition - If playing again after post-match, loading screen is skipped after player setup # v0.9.120b - January 25, 2017 ### New - New Arenae map: The Crate Divide - New Arenae map: Crypt Creeper - New Arenae map: Split Decision - New Craterus map: Crossfire - New Craterus map: Firewall - New Craterus map: Secret Hollow ### Updates - Slight layout adjustments to The Long Run - Selene's spam cooldown changed from 0.4s to 0.75s - Slight layout adjustments to Plutonium Pass - Slight layout adjustments to Quarantine - Slight layout adjustments to The Pump Station - Slight layout adjustments to Overstalked - Auto wall timing on The Walls are Alive changed from 3s to 4s - Red Rob's Border has 5 powerup points - Slight layout adjustments to Red Rob's Border - Slight layout adjustments to Spawncano - Ember spawn adjustments to Fire Carter - Ember spawn adjustments to Ring of Fire - Slight layout adjustments to The Woods - Spawn point adjusments on Pacmanesque - Slight layout adjusments to River Cross - Slight layout adjusments to Snovergrown - Spawn point adjustments to Cold Town - Slight layout adjusments to Cold Town ### Fixes - Fixed sorting order of cherry blossom petals # v0.9.119b - January 24, 2017 ### Updates - Added shadows to top post-match UI containers - Added some audio blips to the progress scene list UI - Better caching/loading of map data, fewer CPU spikes - Added some tall grass to the center of The Woods - Mine carts will destroy builder blocks if bumping into them - Challenge mode tracks and shows "perfect" completions (get every single kill) - Retrying a challenge match will not take you back to player setup - Bot player selections are re-randomized if retrying a challenge - Added two more achievements based on challenge mode (all complete, all perfect) - Challenge completion percentage (overall and per-planet) is added to some UI areas ### Fixes - Fixed explosion sound when you first open the Field Guide - Blizzard audio fades out when exiting the Field Guide # v0.9.118b - January 24, 2017 ### New - Planet selector added to post-match menu - Choosing Play Again will take everyone to player setup, including online matches ### Updates - Blizzard audio fades out in Field Guide when navigating to a different section - The victory phrase and post-round info are skippable at the end of a match - The victory phrase goes away for local matches during the post-match UI (like online matches) ### Fixes - Fixed invisible blizzard and meteor shower UI Field Guide for some graphics cards - Fixed double-player death when projectile collisions are handled in between framerate ticks - Potential fix for players disappearing after being frozen and breaking free # v0.9.117b - January 23, 2017 ### Updates - Blizzard added to the Field Guide - Covered Igloos added to the Field Guide - Challenge designation is added to the game mode title in appropriate UI locations ### Fixes - Fixed issue that could break player setup until quitting if certain network conditions failed - Fixed rendering & blending issues with masked content in Field Guide # v0.9.116b - January 22, 2017 ### Fixes - Fixed data directory issue preventing game load on OS X # v0.9.115b - January 22, 2017 ### New - New single player Challenge mode! - Challenges statistics content added to the Progress section - New achievements added for challenge mode ### Updates - Match timers are displayed in hour:minute:second:hundredths format - Deadline default time changed from 160s to 150s - Land Grab default time changed from 160s to 150s - Deadline & Land Grab show match time before round starts - Some instruction & label clarifications for online matches - Enforcing persistent data path on OS X - your progress may be reset :( - Connection strength indicators use 400ms instead of 500ms as a 0-bar connection - Connection strength indicators have an orange state in between yellow and red - Slash knockback force increased from 2000 to 2200 - Projectile knockback force increased from 1000 to 1400 - Living Embers knockback force reduced from 1000 to 775 - Builder blocks can be bumped 5 times to disable their reflection ### Fixes - Fixed collision issues on Ring of Fire - Fixed projectile collision & builder block reflection issues - Fixed a Steam cloud sync issue (please restart your Steam client) - Tile bumps are network synced - Fixed Ronin slash animation issues when spamming ability quickly - Fixed Scanner Drone change of direction when targeting a player at edge of map - Fixed Scanner Drone stutter / snap when losing lock on a player - Potential fix for players disappearing when being frozen - Frozen players are always snapped to be in line with frozen breath row/column # v0.9.111b - January 20, 2017 ### Updates - Client UI designates connection type (direct or relay) on player setup - Layout adjustments to Ring of Fire - Layout adjustments to The Long Run - Ronin does not double-slash when hitting players anymore ### Fixes - Fixed alignment of some UI name/value labels - Dead players' skeletons don't have cold breath in Glaciarii (oops) - Added some more null reference checkes in various scripts - Fixed host/client synchronization of shots statistic in post-match stats - Fixed issue causing Ronin to gain too much power over online connections - Potential fix for connection errors on Windows (Raknet) # v0.9.110b - January 19, 2017 ### New - New Craterus map: Ring of Fire - New Glaciarii map: The Long Run ### Updates - Added missing lighting to Trailmazer ### Fixes - Made sure all Glaciarii maps have cold breath on idle # v0.9.108b - January 19, 2017 ### New - Bumps are tracked for post-match stats - Metrics are collected for which characters win matches ### Updates - Some set dressing to Spawncano - Host is sent back to Match Setup if the matchmaker fails to list an online match - Aether's stun force is inversely proportional to the distance from his position - Aether's baseline stun force is reduced slightly to account for inverse behavior # v0.9.107b - January 18, 2017 ### Updates - Removed network settings due to NAT punchthrough - IP connection port preference reset to 7777 - Added lightning to Plutonium Pass - Some slight layout updates to Chamber of Time - Made online names more visible in player setup ### Fixes - Double NAT punchthrough attempt error - Error when iterating through remote connections - Fixed issue where players could be stuck visible from a Scanner drone # v0.9.106b - January 18, 2017 ### Updates - Slight layout update to Overstalked - Scanner drone's sight radius changes color to reflect players within its range - Scanner drone doesn't reveal players in the larger sight radius ### Fixes - Fixed being able to drop markers on trigger walls that started down - Fixed y-sorting between Selene and Pit Beasts - Fixed visibility of Proteus during scanner detonation on clients # v0.9.105b - January 17, 2017 ### New - New Arenae map: Chamber of Time ### Updates - If Selene's jump lands on builder block, it is destroyed and she is stunned for 0.25s - Slight layout adjustments to Taken Atoll - Slight layout adjustments to The Garden - Slight layout adjustments to Urban Garden ### Fixes - Scanner drone detonation only affects objects within the smaller radius - Fixed Proteus' single scanner drone deployment in his Hero Profile demo - Meteors are destroyed when leaving the Craterus Field Guide page - Better handling of listing/unlisting net matches at appropriate times - Fixed broken host startup if matchmaking creation is interrupted or unavailable - Fixed sorting between instant replay UI and match info UI - Fixed sorting between countdown UI and pause menu - Fixed double player death on point-blank, same-frame firing # v0.9.104b - January 16, 2017 ### Updates - Updated Photon Thunder, fewer connection issues - Updated visuals for scanner drone lock and sight radii - Steam names only show up if the match is online ### Fixes - Fixed scanner drone starting its patrol when spawned on a player within sight radius - Fixed scanner drone stun radius (it matches the lock radius, not the sight radius) - Fixed player positioning during fire and ability activations - Potential fix for Steam name synchronization on clients # v0.9.103b - January 15, 2017 ### New - New Arenae map: Shifty Eyes ### Updates - Added empty space around central security camera in Overstalked - Removed a few barrels next to edge trigger walls in Cerebral Prison - Ronins gets +2 for slashing shots, blast barriers, and players - Ronin's slash also has a hitbox where Ronin is standing - Scanner lock radius is still 1.5, but sight radius increased to 2.5 ### Fixes - More powerup y-sorting fixes - Fixed surface effects when moving into a tile while shooting or using abilities - Fixed surface effects playing under Selene's double jump # v0.9.102b - January 15, 2017 ### New - Some rainy maps have periodic lightning that briefly reveals players - Steam display names & bot designations show in player setup and scoreboard ### Updates - Windows build is back to 32-bit - OS X build is Universal (32-bit and 64-bit) - Added fence posts around center island on Urban Garden - Enabled vsync to prevent some screen tearing - Added teleporters to the Field Guide - Set final planet order (Nemoris, Glaciarii, Arx-515, Arenae, Craterus) ### Fixes - Fixed issue with Proteus' visibility when in cooldown - Fixed incorrect value assignments for 1000 and 2500 kill achievements - Input handling is disabled while a match is exiting - Round countdown is canceled if exiting the match - Fixed being able to land grab conveyor belt and trigger wall locations - Fixed Selene land grabbing under a double jump - Fixed Selene not land grabbing when landing - Fixed Selene y-sorting issues while jumping vertically - Fixed y-sorting of teleporter connector lines - Fixed initial mine cart locations preventing Land Grab markers - Fixed security cameras not tracking Selene while jumping - Fixed security cameras not tracking a target that switches exactly 180° # v0.9.101b - January 13, 2017 ### Updates - Stepping in water elicits a scientist response in the tutorial - Some layout adjustments to final training mode module - Windows build is 64-bit (to test networking) # v0.9.100b - January 13, 2017 ### Updates - Greatly simplified and shortened the tutorial - Blocks and portals can't be placed on top of active powerups - Reduced shadows in igloo doors - Ronin's double-slash counts towards spam ### Fixes - Fixed server remote connection counter - Fixed Raknet library issue with builds - Fixed y-sorting of Carrier particles - Carriers are pushed away by rising trigger walls - Carriers have continuous collision detection rather than discrete - Selene can use a teleporter again instantly when jumping off of it - Fixed y-sorting of Selene during a double jump - Fixed player collision when occupying the same space - Fixed Ronin double-slashing unlimited times without a cooldown - Fixed clipping issues with Selene's jumping and igloos - Fixed y-sorting of muzzle flash and igloos - Fixed y-sorting of projectile glow and igloos - Fixed y-sorting of igloo side doors and objects - Fixed y-sorting of powerups and Yeti caves - Fixed Selene not being able to jump into igloo doors - Ronin's pound audio was playing even if interrupted in some situations - Fixed frozen players in wrong locations while activating abilities # v0.9.99b - January 12, 2017 ### Updates - Improved respawn logic to avoid spawning on top of other players ### Fixes - Fixed first selected component audio blip on scene transitions - Fixed game-locking issue involving Scanner Drone targeting # v0.9.98b - January 12, 2017 ### New - Switched networking backend to Photon Thunder - More global server regions: ASIA, AU, CAE, EU, IN, JP, KR, SA, US, USW - For matchmaking, added ability to choose the "Best" region - Public & private connect directly via NAT punchthrough, no port-forwarding necessary - Network relay servers are last-resort fallback - Reduced network latency ### Updates - Music fades out on exit - Layout adjustments to Cerebral Prison - Join code generation and parsing improvements - Updated some player position network syncing during teleportation ### Fixes - Fixed Phoebe being able to teleport shots that have been split - Fixed immediate collision with adjacent objects to split shots - Fixed stuns and force application to players on conveyor belts - Fixed portal not working if Phoebe ability-teleports away then back to it - Fixed point-filtering of fonts on library rebuild - Fixed projectile same-frame collisions with players who just teleported - Fixed Carmen being able to place blocks in a mine cart's location - Fixed collision layers of some mine carts' stun boxes - Instant replay speed always starts at 1x - Fixed shot sound being audible when frozen - Fixed audio clips being cut too short during playback - Fixed network sync of treasure coin effects - Fixed markers being dropped in blocked areas # v0.9.97b - January 10, 2017 ### Updates - Layout adjustments to Edward's Snowed In - Stunned players also have stars over their heads - Matchmaking & LAN are disabled until the next update - Pressing the Cancel input return to map selector on the post-match info UI - Ground pound and auto-position correction adjusted to align with tiles more often - Replays can be played at 1/4x, 1/2x, or 1x speeds - Ronin only loses 1 power level for slashing a player - Slashing a player always wounds them for 3s - Ronin will slash, then slash back without cooldown if hitting a player - Epi's ability spam is only counted when exiting Ghost mode ### Fixes - Scanner drone can't be shot when flying over igloos - Better proximity door collision detection - "Connect" button is selected by default if a valid IP is stored - "OK" button is selected by default if a valid join code is stored - Proteus' spam counter was only counting on deploy, not detonation - Aether's ground pound does not complete if he is stunned on windup - Fixed mine cart collisions with adjacent players - Pit beasts don't spawn on top of trigger walls - Scanner drone wasn't locating stunned players - Slashing the real Epi when in ghost mode doesn't kill him - Fixed directional force being applied when source is same location as player - Fixed positional calculation error with scanner drone when locked on - Fixed Epi visibility when in spam cooldown - Fixed possible divide by zero error in ability cooldown calculation # v0.9.96b - January 8, 2017 ### Updates - Mine carts have a capped max velocity - Mine carts destroy embers - Adjusted presentation of popcorn text - Subtle audio blips during GIF export progress - Increased replay time back to its longer value before v0.9.95b - Added ember rain effect to some Craterus maps ### Fixes - Fixed mine cart collision issues on Fire Carter - Fixed mine cart physics at high velocities (continuous collison detection) - Fixed notification issue between ghost players and Yeti breath - Updated some ability descriptions # v0.9.95b - January 7, 2017 ### New - Added game mode, map name, and Invisigun logo to replay GIFs ### Updates - MUCH better GIF export quality, speed, and filesize! Finally a Tweetable size. - Added audio cue when GIFs are complete - Added icon when GIFs are complete - Powerup drop timer minimum is 0, and increment is 10s ### Fixes - Fixed sorting of pit beasts with igloo tiles - Fixed sorting of carrier glow with igloo tiles - Fixed collision with fence posts on The Pump Station - Renamed Tunnel Three to Tunnel Vision # v0.9.94b - January 7, 2017 ### New - Added an ember to the loading screen :) - Added some breakable pots (it's a real video game now) ### Updates - Added an effect when slashing a player - Improved some ember jumping animation frames - Powerups drop timer is adjustable [5s - 120s, off] # v0.9.93b - January 6, 2017 ### Updates - Added a gameplay tip about d-pads - Scanner drone flies over igloos, but reveals players in them - Better authoritative host checks to prevent multiple client ability & fire inputs - Network latency simulation is disabled in live builds ### Fixes - Fixed text being cutoff in ready indicators - Fixed sorting layer of invisibility dissolver particles - Fixed Selene being able to jump over igloo doors - Fixed Epi causing floor tiles to turn black when toggling the ghost - Fixed spawn shuffling (third time's the charm) - Ghost shots no longer damage or reflect off of builder blocks - Fixed scanner drone sorting with igloo walls - Fixed Ronin network clients firing right after slashing # v0.9.92b - January 6, 2017 ### Updates - Some igloo sprite modifications, better readability ### Fixes - Fixed issue with toggling Epi's ghost state - Fixed ghost being stunned from ground pound and living embers - Fixed audio event pile up (loud) when all embers die on map reset - Fixed firing over the network (oops) # v0.9.90b - January 5, 2017 ### New - New Glaciarii map: Tunnel Three - New Glaciarii map: Cold Town ### Updates - Mine carts are a little "heavier" with respect to shots - Lowered max embers on Fire Carter from 20 to 15 - Ronin shows new lower power level when firing power shots - Ronin's max power level fixed (sorry this amp only goes to 10) ### Fixes - Fixed blurry text in some UI areas - Fixed packet loss disconnect threshold - Fixed mine carts collision boxes on Carte Blanche - Fixed issue with toggling Epi's ghost state - Fixed potential of slash to hit the same object multiple times - Reduced possibility of getting stuck on shaking tiles - Fixed position of post-match info UI # v0.9.89b - January 4, 2017 ### Fixes - Fixed Carmen jumping into Ghost's location - Fixed IP Connection issues # v0.9.86b - January 4, 2017 ### New - Added a "Refiners" section in the credits :) ### Updates - Some mine carts have gold in them - Adjusted color grading in all maps - Aether's pound will move mine carts - Slightly reduced intensity of light vibration - Light controller vibration when the ghost is created or destroyed - Light controller vibration when blocks are created - Light controller vibration when dashing - Medium controller vibration when ground pounding - Light controller vibration when landing from a jump - Light controller vibration when a scanner is created or destroyed - Light controller vibration when Ronin powers up - Light controller vibration when teleporting - Power Shot is no longer a powerup, and is unique to Ronin - Ronin spam counter increased from 2 to 3 slashes - Proximity doors take 4 shots to jam instead of 5 - Proximity doors jam for 8 seconds instead of 5 - Ronin doesn't lose power from missing a slash - Ronin's power level increases by 2 for slashing power shots - Ronin has a power shot for each power level instead of stacking all into one shot - Reaper animation triggered instantly on clients, collisions managed by host - Players are wounded for (slash power level + 2) seconds - Players are pushed back farther when slashed - Player stun when slashed increased from 0.25s to 0.5s - Ghost no longer leaves an effect when toggled (no more puff camping) - Epi ability activation time reduced from 0.5s to 0.05s - On toggle, Ghost randomly fakes a step in a surrounding tile, prioritizing audio-only surfaces - Added shadow to map name label in match scene ### Fixes - Fixed Ronin moving forward while slashing - Silent Steps prevents tall weeds from shaking - Silent Steps prevents bird flocks from scattering - Fixed getting stuck in mine carts when forced against edges - Fixed edge case interaction between flashing & threshold material properties - Fixed sync of random character selection over network - Fixed getting stuck on security camera in Overstalked - Fixed invisible zones on Overstalked and The Warehouse - Controller vibration is now game timescale-independent - Fixed spawn point shuffling between rounds - Fixed multiple force vector fighting (ex: conveyor belt corner transfers) # v0.9.85b - January 2, 2017 ### New - NEW HERO: Ronin - NEW ABILITY: Reaper - New powerup: Silent Steps - New Arx-515 map: Overstalked - New Craterus map: Fire Carter - New Craterus map: Carte Blanche - New Glaciarii map: Edward's Snowed In - New Glaciarii map: Trailmazer ### Updates - Updated error audio cue - Added planet & map name to match scene UI - Slight spawn location adjustment to Urban Garden - Join code is shown after the match is created and listed - Added ability to cancel joining a public or private match - Player setup is disabled for online matches until the match is created - Proximity doors can be jammed open for 5s by shooting them 5 times ### Fixes - Fixed scoreboard alignment to bottom of screen - Fixed crash involving Living Embers - Fixed Living Embers positioning in the Field Guide - Yeti doesn't enter/exit the cave in the Field Guide when offscreen - Fixed presentation of Meteor Shower in Field Guide - Fixed missing weeds on Noisy Neighbors - Fixed bumping issue that could cause players to get stuck teleporting forever - Fixed potential for mine carts to be dislodged from their tracks - Mine cart positions reset after each round - Fixed input handling on the Sombr Studio screen - Fixed removing players from the match if client disconnects from player setup - Fixed dialog focus when leaving player setup with active players on both sides - Fixed scientist stun during Proteus' profile demo # v0.9.80b - December 30, 2016 ### New - Added UI indicator on end of round / match - Added audio cue at end of match - New Nemoris map: Choke Point - New Arx-515 map: Plutonium Pass - New Arx-515 map: Quarantine - New Arx-515 map: The Pump Station - New Arenae map: The Walls are Alive - New Craterus map: Spawncano - Added Living Embers to Craterus Field Guide - Switched networking backend to Photon Thunder - More global server regions: ASIA, AU, CAE, EU, IN, JP, KR, SA, US, USW - Public & private connect directly via NAT punchthrough, no port-forwarding necessary - Network relay servers are last-resort fallback - Reduced network latency ### Updates - Cloud data messages are only fetched once per game session, then cached - Added fence post boundaries to all map floor holes - Adjusted color grading on a per-map basis - Epi is revealed momentarily instead of stunned when his ghost is killed - Added a "spooked" audio cue when Epi's ghost is killed - Added a "spooked" ghost effect when Epi's ghost is killed - Projectiles auto-death time increased from 3s to 10s - Projectiles minimum velocity capped at 5 - Adjusted appearance of big messages - Some layout adjustments to Noisy Neighbors - Audio mix pass - Visuals pass on all current maps - Power Shot powerup does not stack ### Fixes - Fixed reflected shots being destroyed when adjacent to floor holes - Epi will get hit if occupying the same space as the ghost - Ghost shots do not collide with real Epi who owns them - Fixed y-sorting of Selene while jumping vertically - Fixed enabling and disabling of steam vents in various collision situations - Fixed missing bird flutter audio cue - Fixed issue with join code parsing - Fixed rendering of tall grass - Fixed title screen menu focus race condition - Fixed particle shader sorting issues - Fixed calculation error with ability spam cooldown times - Fixed case where player could get stuck in edge of mine cart # v0.9.70b - December 22, 2016 ### New - Deadline & Land Grab will add 15s of sudden death bonus time in case of a draw - Sudden Death: losers are killed instantly, winners have one life left - Added hero poses to the title screen ### Updates - World map UI shows server region locations - Public host information shows server region during player setup - Controllers plugged during a match will auto-assign to the first available local player - Merged server broadcast message and pre-release notes on title screen - Audio and visual feedback when skipping the post-round victory phrase and details - Removed pre-release info startup scene - Added build info to loading scene ### Fixes - Fixed missing zone tile on Red Rob's Border - Fixed mine cart potential to "stick" to players that are standing still - Fixed synchronization of meteors over network - Fixed rain on The Thicket - Fixed scoring when shooting real Epi that has Ghost activated in Hunter - Fixed issues with Epi not exiting Ghost state properly over network - Fixed issues with Epi instantly moving to the Ghost's position - Fixed potential for player to disappear after being unfrozen - Fixed edge case that could trigger client ready state multiple times after post-round info - Stuns and physics impacts are network synced (being pushed away from things) # v0.9.60b - December 15, 2016 ### New - NEW MAP: Taken Atoll (Glaciarii) - NEW PLANET: Craterus - NEW MAP: Abandoned Mine (Craterus) - NEW MAP: Red Rob's Border (Craterus) - NEW MAP: Meteor Shower (Craterus) - NEW MUSIC: 2 Craterus tracks - Added network connection strength indicator to scoreboard - Scoreboard shows all active powerups (but not stacking amounts) - Added field guide entries for Craterus (more props to come) ### Updates - Bots know how to play Beast Tamer - Improved overall bot behavior - Better hero pose transitions when switching hero profiles - Pit beasts tame time changed from 5s to 8s - Pit beasts regression rate lowered from 2x to 1.5x - Pit beasts can be tamed from any of the surrounding 8 tiles - Max pit beasts at a time is now one less than the number of players - Input for skipping the post-round screen changed back to Fire - Carrier will do its best to drop away from the player in narrow spots - Carrier dismount time increased from 0.25s to 0.5s - Epi's ghost shot stuns players for 0.5s instead of 1s ### Fixes - Fixed carrier ball coming to rest over floor holes - More efficient and versatile algorithm for finding nearest free spaces - Fixed scaling of bot values based on skill level - Fixed bot response to some disturbances - Pit beasts shouldn't appear on teleporters anymore - Carmen can't place blocks on treasure coins - Fixed y-sorting of players when body is vertically offset - Fixed y-sorting issues with proximity doors and carriers - Fixed carrier movement over network when shooting it - Fixed being able to dismount the carrier over the network - Fixed ghost Epi being able to pickup the carrier - Fixed bot player random character assignment # v0.9.51b - December 11, 2016 ### Fixes - Fixed blurry text issues - Fixed brightness/bloom of trees on Urban Garden # v0.9.50b - December 11, 2016 ### New - NEW MODE: Beast Tamer (replaces defunct Treasure Hunt) - Pit beasts added to Beast Tamer - NEW MAP: Urban Garden - Achievements are now earned (and synced) with Steam achievements ### Updates - Audio cue & continue callout UI update when starting a match from player setup - Default projectile velocity decreased from 20.0 to 18.0 - Default player run speed increased from 5.0 to 5.5 - Epi: ghost projectile no longer fades out - Epi: ghost projectile collides with everything but does no damage - Epi: ghost projectile stuns players but does no damage - Updated Land Grab game mode icon - Updated layout of Quadriplex - Power shots have different audio when firing - Updated layout of Big Brother - Player IP addresses are not shown in UI notices anymore - Changed post-round skip input from Fire to Start - Added more steps-based achievements - Added ability to type in join codes and IP addresses using the keyboard - Added ability to cancel joining an IP address by pressing back - You can dismount the carrier by pressing fire or ability - Improved & more readable player stun/spin animations - Added network error icon to relevant UI notices - Added world map graphic (not dynamic) to join public match UI - Land Grab markers no longer wiggle for the winning color - Scoreboard shows a crown for the player(s) currently in the lead - You can shoot the carrier around :) ### Fixes - Fixed blast barrier generation over network - Blast barrier is only created if projectiles have equal health - Fixed UI ordering and highlighting of top post-match stats - Fixed edge case of hiding ability descriptions in player selectors for remote clients - Fixed display of powerup text - Fixed offset of light shafts in Arenae windows - Fixed builder block shot reflection edge case - Fixed "Sharpshooter" achievement icon assignment - Host enforces winners & losers of rounds & matches at more game state transitions - Fixed disabling of UI interactions during network join states - Fixed player selector initial instructions visibility - Fixed some instances of blurry text in the UI - Fixed highest score calculation error that could lead to incorrect win conditions - Carrier ball stops spinning if the player is still # v0.9.40a - November 28, 2016 ### New - Controller UI notices have a new gamepad icon - Projectile collisions leave behind a blast barrier, deterring forced firefights - Blast barrier FX reflect the colors of the projectiles that created it - Added baseline match stats to post-match UI, will improve with updates ### Updates - Post-round match info panel shows the selected map, even if it was random - Only the middle of split shots stack with Power Shot - Added ability to hold directions on most UI controls for faster selection - All maps are grouped and ordered by planet in map selectors - If random planet is chosen, random map is selected by default - Ability descriptions on player selectors only show for local players ### Fixes - Fixed scoreboard kill counter for multi-round game modes - If a player is dead, weapon firing effects are not triggered in the same frame - Fixed split shots sometimes having wrong velocity - Fixed client player selectors when joining a match with host players already ready - Remote clients exiting player setup return to title screen instead of match setup # v0.9.38a - November 21, 2016 ### New - You can cancel player setup by pressing Escape at any time - Player selectors show all controls (left, right, back, next) ### Updates - Player selectors always use standard back/next buttons for gamepad inputs - Render textures are released during scene changes - Locale option will only show once more localizations are complete - Hid ability difficulty on player select description - Updated player selector UI ### Fixes - Fixed backing out of choosing a gamepad mapping type greater than type 0 - Fixed achievement UI text labels layout - Fixed background height of player selector ability labels # v0.9.37a - November 20, 2016 ### Updates - Disabled Metal for OS X (always use OpenGL) - Reworked post-processing / screen composite ordering (again) ### Fixes - Fixed missing count label in achievements earned scene # v0.9.36a - November 19, 2016 ### Fixes - Fixed scoreboard showing only data for player 1 - Removed "Abilities" label from match info on player setup - Fixed scoreboard kill counters displaying match totals instead of round totals - Fixed random interactions timing in field guide # v0.9.35a - November 19, 2016 ### Updates - Updated disappearing effect shader - Updated scoreboard UI player icons - Reworked post-processing / screen composite ordering - Added ability to cancel network settings changes with back button - Kill counter shows on scoreboard in Survival ### Fixes - Fixed UI button focus when dismissing keyboard and network options - Fixed audio cue when selecting progress tabs - Fixed some UI alpha / shader issues - Fixed kill counter in scoreboard # v0.9.34a - November 18, 2016 ### New - Added ability to set bot skill level (experimental) ### Updates - Bot values tweaked, overall max skill increased - Bots may shoot back immediately after bumping into others - Bots will attempt to not remain stationary if visible (revealer, etc) - Bots are aware of trigger switches - Bots are aware of map teleporters - Bots do not always use shortest paths (more random, sneaking paths) - Scaled requirements for many achievement sets to a higher bar - Removed Abilities toggle in match modifier - Improvements to bot strategic usage of dash ability - Bots use the ghost ability - Bots detect enclosed spaces and shoot their way out ### Fixes - Fixed zone visibility on The Garden - Fixed depth sorting of replay UI - Fixed scanner drone null reference check - Fixed map selector starting on last selected map - Lots of performance and garbage collection improvements - Fixed issue where ground pound could impact the same object twice - Fixed fading out of music when playing again - Fixed continue UI callout on initial player setup with bots enabled - Fixed control of zone in ghost mode if the real Epi is in it - Fixed title screen menu initial selection # v0.9.33a - November 11, 2016 ### New - Added "Shots Fired" statistic to progress - Added achievement set based on shots fired - Planet and map selectors indicate if you've played them before ### Updates - Updated player spawn indicators appearance and animation - Player spawn positions rotate with round-based game modes - Improved some hero profile demos - Removed build expiration - Added ability to cancel out of keyboard editing with back inputs - Added UI transitions to network join panels - Added audio cue when stopping and skipping replays - Refactored player stats collection during the match - Warm brownies are so good - Selene: She can now double-jump - Online match listings are isolated by game version ### Fixes - Epi: Phantom shots are power shots if owner has the powerup - Fixed aspect ratio when changing screen size in windowed mode - Made UI transitions resolution agnostic - Network join menu shows currently selected button - Map selectors default to random map if that was last selected - Fixed font for player scores - Fixed invisible zone on Sand Trap - Fixed transparency issues in UI shader # v0.9.32a - November 7, 2016 ### Fixes - Fixed sorting order of UI dialogs - Fixed post-processing screen effects # v0.9.31a - November 7, 2016 ### Updates - Phoebe: she won't teleport projectiles that have already been teleported - Epi: He's back to his non-Halloween self - Projectile collisions are collected, sorted, and evaluated via priorities ### Fixes - UI is pixel-perfect at any screen resolution - Fixed zone control on The Classic - Fixed particle sorting over teleporters - Non-player objects (block, portal, etc) cover floor steam vents - Fixed "No Bonus" popcorn text conditions for all powerup pickups - Fixed infinite tutorial for new users (corrupt build) - Adjacent double-kills should be impossible - Possible fix for blocks sometimes reflecting powershots - Players were moved for one frame on firing, causing potential collisions in wrong rows/columns - Epi: Fixed Aether killing Epi when pounding the ghost - Epi: Fixed Scanner Drone stunning Epi at real position - Epi: Fixed real Epi killed by powershot hitting the ghost - Epi: Real position is network synced while in ghost mode - Epi: Proper movement for real Epi on conveyor belts - Subsequent projectile collisions are discarded if already collided in the same frame # v0.9.20a - November 1, 2016 ### Fixes - Fixed invisible planet selection UI after a random planet match - Fixed "Play Again" behavior in post-match menu - Fixed permanent black screen after post-match menu in online games # v0.9.19a - October 31, 2016 ### New - Public servers are available when hosting - Join a public match using filter criteria ### Updates - Added more checks to prevent some Epi de-ghost edge cases - Clients are disconnected and notified when joining a full match - Matchmaker backend listings are updated to reflect free slot availability - All clients are notified on player setup when other players join and leave ### Fixes - Fixed some destruction effects - Fixed some broken hero profile demos - Restyled the profile demo layout - Fixed controller assignment race condition between match and player setup scenes - Epi: Player snaps to nearest tile when activating the ghost - Fixed player setup match info panel reanimating on client joins and leaves - Fixed potential for player selection sprites to be off center when clients join # v0.9.18a - October 30, 2016 ### Updates - Demo build # v0.9.17a - October 28, 2016 ### Fixes - Proteus: Fixed scanner drone deployment # v0.9.15a - October 28, 2016 ### Updates - Scoreboard messages animate out when dismissed - Halloween treat (for BouseFeenux) - Much smoother scanner drone client-side movement interpolation ### Fixes - Proteus: Fixed his nose in the victory animation sprite - Epi: Ghost state is disabled on round end - Fixed player having control during training instructions - UI notifications and choice dialogs are dismissed on scene changes # v0.9.14a - October 27, 2016 ### Fixes - Epi: Fixed collecting powerups when ghost is bumped - Epi: Fixed real Epi moving to Ghost position in some situations - Epi: Fixed incorrect ghost state after initial bump # v0.9.13a - October 27, 2016 ### Updates - Proteus: Updated his nose on all sprites (enjoy, SirClopsALot) - Aether: Windup doesn't reflect projectiles - Aether: Windup deals 1 damage to projectiles in radius on first frame ### Fixes - Proteus: Scanner drone detonation only does 1 damage to blocks - Fixed another state causing Epi to get stuck in ghost mode - Fixed powershot reflecting off builder blocks - Fixed potential for frozen players to remain outside the game afterwards # v0.9.12a - October 27, 2016 ### Updates - Fixed victory phrase typo - Clarified already maxed-out powerup popcorn text - Further reduced input bandwidth (only sent when bits have changed) - Carmen: Limited to 3 blocks at once instead of 4 - Aether: Stun time increased at edge of ground pound - Aether: Reflects incoming shots during the pound windup - Epi: Ability is now a toggle (press to Ghost, press again to de-ghost) - Epi: Bumping into a Ghost doesn't break Epi out of his ability - Epi: Tiny dust puff when toggling (testing how noticeable it is during gameplay) - Proteus: Scanner drone deals 1 damage to nearby non-player objects on detonation - Proteus: Reduced cooldown time between activations - Proteus: Slightly increased scanner drone patrol speed - Proteus: Destroying an existing scanner drone does not reveal player - Phoebe: Different audio cue and visual effect for teleporting shots - Removed Inter-Dimensional map (not fun) - Powerups will destroy builder blocks and portals that they land on ### Fixes - Fixed kill counter on scoreboard for clients - Fixed state where Epi could be bumped continuously or stuck invincible - Fixed state where multiple Epi ghosts can be generated - Fixed double inputs on clients - Fixed potential for Phoebe to drop a portal and teleport instantly - Fixed destruction of portals by builder blocks placement over network - Epi can ghost-shoot from the same spot as the real player # v0.9.11a - October 24, 2016 ### Fixes - Fixed random character selection sync when playing again - Fixed screen transitioner on scene changes - Players are removed in player setup if controller is disconnected - After player setup, controller changes should auto-map to active players - Fixed Selene not controlling a zone when airborne # v0.9.10a - October 22, 2016 ### Updates - More dynamic scene transitions - Updated icon for menu options in OFF state ### Fixes - Fixed projectiles not colliding with anything after a while - Fixed Phoebe teleporting instantly on first activation # v0.9.9a - October 21, 2016 ### New - Added brief text tips during the tutorial - Changed the tutorial layout and rules slightly - Credits scene has different music ### Updates - Removed Quick Match main menu placeholder - Increased auto-countdown for online ready state to 30s - Updated round start audio cue - Added a Reload Speed powerup to the shooting tutorial - Smoother music transitions between scenes with different tracks ### Fixed - Fixed UI sorting of guns layer in join menu buttons - Fixed ready up synchronization across all match states over network - Fixed post-match synchronization for all play-again scenarios - Potential fix for half-texel pixel misalignments on Windows - Fixed a UI bug allowing for multiple dismissals of post-round info - All projectile collisions evaluated by the host - Potential fix for fire and ability actions right after death on clients - Fixed network position sync when players are bumped or stunned # v0.9.8a - October 20, 2016 ### New - Linux builds are exported as Universal, generating 32- and 64-bit executables - Automatic 15s ready-up countdown for online matches for AFK & trolling situations ### Updates - Scoreboard messages animate in - Replaced placeholder carrier animation with new assets - Iris can cancel mid-dash into a change of direction or shot - Builder blocks look cracked and broken when they have 1 health left ### Fixes - Fixed big time warning display - Fixed fallback UI focus on dialog dismissal - Fixed deactivation effects on uninitialized portals - Fixed a condition where Epi could remain in a ghost state - Fixed y-sorting between trigger switches and carrier - Dash intended direction more accurate over network - Fixed Land Grab score calculations and updates # v0.9.7a - October 19, 2016 ### Updates - All player inputs are packed into to one byte for network transmission - Improved firing and ability response & intended directions over network ### Fixes - Fixed formatting of controller input type label - Fixed hiding of match info panel after post-match UI - Cleaned up some network scoreboard messaging timing - Fixed carrier position syncing over network - Fixed error marker showing up for block and portal placement on clients - Fixed losing UI focus when canceling dialogs # v0.9.6a - October 18, 2016 ### New - Set your geographic region when hosting (US, EU, ASIA) - Joining via join code automatically joins within host's region ### Updates - Character names are shown on their scoreboard UI - Clarified remote players value to read "IP" when set to 0 - Reduced the network data transmission rate for some classes ### Fixes - Custom port range changed to 1-65535 ;) - Fixed information label when connected to remote host - Fixed correct dropped players from player selection on client disconnect - Fixed behavior of in-match disconnection notices on server and clients # v0.9.5a - October 17, 2016 ### New - Configurable network port in options ### Fixes - Fixed disconnects on idle over network matches - Fixed controller assignment issues during player setup - Fixed having to press a button twice to allow player selection # v0.9.4a - October 17, 2016 ### Updates - More consistent post-match info UI - Updated networking QoS channels, timeouts, and packet config ### Fixes - Players spawn once all clients are ready at match start - Disabled crash reporting in-editor # v0.9.3a - October 16, 2016 ### New - Network players post a message when watching the replay ### Fixes - Dialogs will dismiss others and not stack - Fixed dialog focus competing with pause pause menu - Ambient soundbed was missing in The Warehouse - Fixed Phoebe's portal not showing up on some network clients # v0.9.2a - October 16, 2016 ### Fixes - Fixed some controller issues in the UI - Fixed keyboard mapping assignment, saving, and loading # v0.9.1a - October 15, 2016 ### Fixes - Fixed disappearing input labels if you move the mouse - Fixed a bunch of controller woes # v0.9.0a - October 14, 2016 ### New - Locale can be set via the commandline - Added UI for displaying Kickstarter cartographer authors - New scientist and training room sprites - Online matches, wins, and losses are now tracked as stats - Kill counters added to scoreboard for respawn game modes - Previous/next keys added to player selector UI - custom_phrases.txt will be created with instructions on first launch - Dynamic controller and keyboard assignment in player setup - Public match listing and joining using Unity's cloud is working - Private match listing and joining using Unity's cloud is working - Added hero profile demo for Epi's Ghost ability ### Updates - Debris from pound reflects AOE instead of an ellipse - Slightly more dense blizzard - Blocks and portals can now be placed in falling sand locations - More obvious death indicators on player score UI - Reflected shots change to owner and color of blocks - Updated powerup parachute crate animations - Invalid locations for blocks and portals don't count against ability spam - Destroying the scanner drone doesn't count against ability spam - Aether leaves cracks in the ground after pounding - Updated Aether's mugshot sprites - Bird flocks' collision will always be centered on a tile - Binary options use icons instead of "ON" and "OFF" labels - Instant replays will auto-rewind 2 times, then move on - Slightly widened options container - Keyboard layout save files are created on first launch - IP Address entry field checks for valid input - Online players can properly choose to play again after a match - Host can change the map after a match and keep clients in sync - Controller labels on UI change if active controller changes - Replaced main font with a much higher glyph count one - You can also manually scroll the credits list - More natural planet switching motion in match setup UI ### Fixes - Fixed some more victory phrase typos - Removed Head Start label from player setup match info - Ghost shows interrupted effects if player is already visible - Fixed collision of rock wall borders in Arenae - Fix for some objects getting stuck white after flashing - Fixed object destruction over network - Yeti resets when the round ends - Epi is properly interrupted when his ghost is frozen by the Yeti - Fixed Split Shot over network - Fixed more network destruction and cleanup of objects - Yeti states are network synced - Object pool fixes for network sync - Frozen players are network synced - Fixed blizzard network sync - Fixed re-initialization of pooled ghost shots - Fixed parsing of some special characters in victory phrases - Fixed carrier over network - Fixed net sync of Land Grab markers - Reduced the number of texture atlases used by the game - Frozen players are aligned to the grid - Arenae trigger switches are network synced - Fixed reduction of split shots velocity when player has Shot Speed - Fixed reflection time and collision disabling of builder blocks - Fixed scanner drone initilization in center rows or columns - Ability and fire locations use proper position from host - Fixed ready indicators sometimes not receiving player input on clients - Some localization fixes - Disabled input when going back from player setup - Fixed ready indicators and local client authority over network - Fixed network label info nomenclature on player setup - Fixed controller connection/disconnection notices - Maps reset after all connected clients are ready to move on # v0.8.117a - September 23, 2016 ### Updates - New visual effect for interrupted Ghosts - Powered up projectiles have a visual change - God Mode achievement increased to 7 powerups - Power Shots will destroy builder blocks without reflecting ### Fixes - Network disconnections are handled within the interstitial scene - Fixed ready indicators showing up in game modes with respawning - Fixed collision with scientist in the Warehouse - Fixed ghost preventing player from getting shot if in the same space # v0.8.116a - September 21, 2016 ### New - New Epi ability, Ghost: completely control a phantom version of yourself - New soundbed for Arenae temples - New sound for Arenae trigger walls ### Updates - Some more minor map layout changes - Selene can spam 4 jumps instead of 3 - Aether can spam 2 pounds instead of 1 - Increased scanner drone stickiness ### Fixes - Fixed projectile lights fading out in phantom shots - Fixed impact audio for projectiles that fade out - Fixed player collisions with a frozen player - Victory phrase fixes - Fixed replay hidden indicator behaviors for Ghost players - Fixed scanner drone behavior with Ghost players - Fixed ghost transitioning back to Epi when in mid-shot - Fixed broken second match after replaying on a new map # v0.8.115a - September 19, 2016 ### New - Added LAN match auto-discovery to join scene - Added post-match replay request notification to all connected players - New ambient soundbeds for Nemoris, Arx-515, and Glaciarii - Bird flocks have a fluttering sound when disturbed ### Updates - Removed the head start toggle - it's fundamental to the game design now - Round and match state handlers are network synced - More responsive player input over network - Reworked the layout of a few maps - Added proper disconnection and replay behavior on post-match selections - Confirm button on post-match map selector will move UI selection down - Faster initial game loading - Much more responsive network actions (movement, firing, abilities) - Invisigun logo typography adjustment ### Fixes - Fixed map name in net match results - Fixed random planet image - Fixed portal spawn effects over net - Fixed keyboard remapping of fire triggering remapping again - Fixed potential for local host and client to permanently fail - Fixed UI screen fader during quick transitions back and forth - Host stops LAN discovery broadcasting when full or match starting - Fixed host information label and active remote connection count - Disabled pausing if match has remote clients - Fixed de-focus of post-match menu in certain cases - Fixed directory path separator character for different platforms - Fixed projectile velocity and reflections over network - Player fire and ability intended trajectories are network synced # v0.8.114a - September 10, 2016 ### New - Steam cloud sync enabled for custom keyboard layouts - Steam cloud sync enabled for custom_phrases.txt - Steam cloud sync enabled for stats progress ### Updates - Instant replays are saved to user's folder instead of system folder - Smaller GIF filesize on export - Faster GIF export - Clients will be disconnected if their version differs from the server - Powerup activations are network synced - Custom keyboard layouts are saved to data files for cloud syncing - Note that custom keyboard layouts will be reset with this update ### Fixes - Added ability to omit some UI audio events from replays - Fixed run speed powerups capping max velocity with the carrier token - Fixed ability animations being interrupted with victory pose - Fixed player having movement control during training instructions - Fixed loading of custom_phrases.txt from game directory # v0.8.113a - September 8, 2016 ### New - New powerup: Power Shot - Added destroyable props to some training modules ### Updates - Projectile collisions will push nearby players away - Instant replays auto-rewind after playing and exporting - Scanner drone will travel proportional time if near a wall on spawn - Audio and music level settings are logarithmic for dB scale - Soundbeds (rain, etc) are inversely proportional to music level - Added game version to net match creation - Players can be shot out of frozen ice state, and stunned briefly ### Fixes - Big messages were visible on the first frame before animating in - Fixed score suffix in post-round UI - Yeti breath only active when onscreen in field guide - Fixed player sprite orientation when firing quickly in a new direction - Fixed being able to change movement direction instantly in same axis - Fixed diagonal shots fitting through enclosed corners - Added missing dust kickup effect to Epi's phantom shot - Fixed Epi decoys appearing in between tiles (for real) - Fixed y-sorting of powerup droppers - Fixed zone control tiles y-sorting issues - Fixed timing issues with builder block and incoming projectiles - Fixed builder block destruction audio between rounds - Fixed broken match setup scene # v0.8.112a - September 7, 2016 ### Fixes - Builder was able to block map portals - Aether no longer completes ground pound if killed during windup - Phoebe's portal is not left behind if killed during teleportation - Removed a few more inappropriate victory phrases - Fixed UI audio doubling up when players join - Removed testing UI (oops) # v0.8.111a - September 6, 2016 ### Updates - Restored alpha notes in title screen ### Fixes - Fixed birds flying animation - Fixed warehouse missing borders, props, and thumbnail - Removed inappropriate victory phrase - Fixed UI notice dismissal during paused state - Fixed memory leak with projectile trails - Fixed player continuing to walk after teleporting - Fixed revealer homing speed - Fixed collision of dead bodies with builder blocks - Fixed Epi decoys appearing in between tiles - Fixed frame timing & race conditions with network RPC calls - Fixed players firing after death in the same frame - Fixed double-deaths at point blank ranges # v0.8.107a - August 31, 2016 ### Updates - Updated look of Arenae - Updated controller input plugin ### Fixes - Fixed music changing with every round start - Fixed being able to fire at slight angles with left stick - Fixed audio issue when objects are pooled - Fixed race condition with trigger switches activated in same frame # v0.8.106a - August 30, 2016 ### New - Added a Field Guide reference ### Updates - Projectiles are pooled with network syncing - Made powerup icons more readable - Arenae tileset sprite updates for readability - Added some new Academy pro tips - Planet and hero names are localized - Updated reload speed powerup icon - Updated Arx-515 tileset visuals - Music within each planet plays in series instead of random - Updated 5 more music tracks with masters ### Fixes - Fixed more sprite y-sorting issues - Replaced incorrect mastered music tracks - Fixed music loops - Fixed training mode target collider size - Fixed timing issue that could prevent music from playing - Fixed player firing while training is loading modules - Fixed training mode timing issues - Fixed UI transitions and state when backing into match setup - Fixed random seed for more particle systems - Fixed stray debris preventing Selene from jumping forward - Fixed issue with sprites returning to default colors after flashing - Fixed Fire and Ability labels on in-game pause menu reference sheet # v0.8.105a - August 24, 2016 ### New - Cooldown indicator visible under players after using abilities - Cooldown can get progressively longer if spamming your ability - Players are visible during the ability cooldown period - New achievement: God Mode - New achievement: Sharpshooter - Added hero profile demo for Aether - Added hero profile decription for Aether - Added hero profile demo for Phoebe - New Nemoris tiles: tall weeds - New map: The Thicket - Updated title screen for PAX West - New map: X-Claim - New powerup: Diagonal Shot - New powerup: Ability Recharge - New powerup: Split Shot - Giant 30- and 15-second warnings for timer-based modes ### Updates - Added character difficulty ratings to Hero Profiles scene - Added missing audio for big messages - Completely localized all achievements - Player respawn invincibility time changed from 1s to 1.5s - Made continue callout on player setup more obvious when ready - Updated pre-release build expiration notice with update instructions - Shot speed powerup velocity increased - Revealer duration changed from 10s to 15s - Powerup titles localized - Selene is invincible during entire jump due to cooldowns - Scanner drone radius reduced - The carrier doesn't need to be at rest to be picked up - Removed delay from Land Grab marker visibility - Deadline-based game modes countdown beep starts at 15s left - Floor switches stay down until ready instead of visual progress - Updated big messages to use larger rasterized font - Scanner drone sticks to targets a little more due to reduced radius - Changed run speed powerup icon to a boot with wings - Adjusted powerup base icon for readability - Phantom shooter won't appear in any player's current spot - Builder blocks and portals can be placed on lowered trigger walls - Completely replaced animation tween plugin - Added some new Academy pro tips ### Fixes - Fixed incorrect sorting layer assignments of some objects - Fixed shadows and edges of Glaciarii wall sprites - Keyboard keys are displayed capitalized in UI labels - Fixed player respawn and invincibility timing - Fixed calculation of ability cooldown timer - Player movement is much more aligned with "intended" controller behavior - Fixed default controller type assignments for map testing - Fixed one character selector unreadying another character selector - Fixed rare case of projectile getting stuck not moving - Fixed some victory phrase typos - Fixed carrier shadow being created over and over - Fixed particle y-sorting on portals and powerups - Fixed Yeti breath damaging gem spires - Fixed ability text label appearing over random player icon - Fixed scanner drone sometimes snapping to map edges after losing target - Fixed immediate collision with reflected projectiles - Fixed players getting stuck in trigger walls coming up - Fixed sorting issue with Yeti cave sprite - Fixed cooldown time for Epi - Fixed exponential music fade outs and pitch drops - Fixed inability to teleport when active shot is being destroyed # v0.8.104a - August 19, 2016 ### Updates - Updated Glaciarii wall sprites ### Fixes - Fixed controller buffer exception on application quit - Fixed broken match setup screen in last build # v0.8.103a - August 18, 2016 ### Updates - Updated some credits ### Fixes - Fixed some victory phrase typos - Fixed progress visibility on some trigger switches - Fixed Carmen being able to place more than 4 blocks at a time - Fixed music fade out time - Fixed death animation sometimes not triggering - Fixed missing zone on Big Brother # v0.8.102a - August 17, 2016 ### New - Added periodic massive blizzard weather effect to Glaciarii - Players' cold breath is visible if standing in place too long on Glaciarii - Added difficulty rating for hero abilities - New map: The Wine Cellar - New map: Quadriplex - New map: Convey-or-Die - New map: Snovergrown - New map: Snow Your Enemy - New map: Cerebral Prison ### Updates - Added shadows to water grates at map edges - Visual and layout pass on all existing maps - Updated instant replay rewind audio - Updated frozen players sprite - Updated falling sand piles sprites - Sand piles slow down projectiles - Falling sand piles take longer to fully form - Arenae trigger switches have a visual cooldown time - Pounder deals 1 damage across entire pound radius - Pounder radius changed from 3.25 to 3 - Framerate capped at 60fps - Removed vignette and bloom from options (will be on for release) - Adjusted visuals and speed of yeti breath - Updated desert corner tiles to match new tileset ### Fixes - Fixed player scores properly resetting on match replays - Fixed player score UI properly resetting on match replays - Fixed bots readying up immediately on round resets - Fixed yeti breath projectiles network sync - Hack fixed crash in editor when destroying popcorn text (Unity bug) - Fixed timing issue with bots readying up - Fixed scanner drone destruction over network - Phoebe can't place a portal where map teleporters exist - Fixed victory phrase grammatical errors - Fixed random seed for steam vent particles - Unified opacity of shadows across all props # v0.8.101a - August 15, 2016 ### Fixes - Fixed ready indicators showing up during the match - Fixed carrier not detaching from players on death - Fixed bumping behavior if spawning or teleporting into someone # v0.8.100a - August 14, 2016 ### New - Use your own custom_phrases.txt file for custom victory phrases! ### Updates - Changed "Rounds" to "Wins" for survival modifier - If a bot or remote player wins, anyone locally can control the instant replay - If a bot or remote player wins, anyone locally can skip the post-round screen ### Fixes - Fixed join via IP UI flow issues - Fixed handling of IP connection results and timeouts - Fixed edge case involving player ready states over network - Fixed syncing of teleporter targets over network - Fixed end-of-match condition check - Fixed skip labels on instant replays and post-round info for bot and remote win conditions # v0.8.99a - August 12, 2016 ### New - Added UI notifications when controllers are connected and disconnected - Added connection lines between teleporters on Inter-Dimensional - Replaced all music with new mastered tracks - New planet: Arenae - New map: Sand Trap ### Updates - Standardized keyboard UI interactions (ESC, Return) throughout the game - Music pitch drops when fading out - Pushed out the alpha build expiration date (almost forgot) ### Fixes - Remote clients go back to title screen when disconnecting from player setup - Player selections are properly handled on client connect and disconnect - Refactored planet and map selection behind the scenes for net sync - Refactored controller and player associations for net sync - Fixed pre-match net synchronization - Join via IP Address button is disabled after submitting - Disabled pausing an online match - Match exits if server or client connections are lost - Fixed character selection animations over network - Fixed UI state if joining via IP address fails - Fixed powerups net sync - Fixed scoring / end of round over network - Fixed scanner drone behavior over network - Fixed builder block synchronization over network - Fixed network synchronization of teleporter - Fixed issue where projectile could damage player only on one connection - Fixed tween cleanup for objects with random flight behavior - Carmen can no longer build blocks on top of players - Fixed player collisions in tight situations - Phoebe now can't teleport to her portal if a player is standing on it - Phoebe now can't place portals on top of other portals # v0.8.98a - July 23, 2016 ### Fixes - Fixed post-round UI not proceeding to post-match UI # v0.8.97a - July 23, 2016 ### Fixes - Fixed potential for post-round UI to be out of sync after skipping # v0.8.96a - July 22, 2016 ### New - Bots are enabled! - Bots now seek out and/or target powerups - Bots now understand the Carrier game mode - Bots now understand the Zone Control game mode - Bots now understand the Land Grab game mode - Bots have some intelligence on when to use their abilities - Bots have some intelligence on countering projectiles - Players now have a victory animation at the end of rounds/matches - Winner can skip the post-round screen if they choose - Bushes leave small stumps when destroyed - Added a controller layout reference to in-game pause menu - New Nemoris map: The Classic - New Nemoris map: River Cross ### Updates - Updated hero profiles look as part of a new animation component - Updated big message animation - Added missing tooltips for selections - Markers count immediately but don't show up immediately - Replaying a match will choose new heroes for any players set to random - Updated audio mixer state transitions to properly use unscaled time ### Fixes - Fixed character selection/swap transitions - Fixed bot character colors on player setup - Fixed bots having control before match count down - Fixed stun time edge case for Pounder - Fixed some incorrect sprite animation frames - Fixed delayed blip sound at the end of animated text - Fixed fullscreen startup crash on OS X when launched from Steam big picture - Fixed carrier sometimes bouncing into unreachable areas - Fixed carrier collision and pickup detection # v0.8.95a - July 8, 2016 ### Updates - Made ready players during player selection more apparent - Clarified focused panels in UI selections - Made continue callout more prominent in player selection - Aether's pound stun time and force are now proportional to distance ### Fixes - Ability assignments in keyboard layouts would navigate back - Better handling of spatialized 2D audio # v0.8.93a - July 7, 2016 ### Updates - Unified pause menu interactions across all scenes - Exiting training presents confirmation dialog - Fixed symmetricality of "Snow Country for Old Men" - Random map selection won't repeat the last selection ### Fixes - Fixed controller input labels in keyboard mapping screen - Getting frozen makes you drop the carrier - Carrier could disappear when player is frozen - Scanner drone could disappear when player is frozen - Revealer is destroyed if targeted player is frozen - Sometimes frozen player wouldn't disappear - The Yeti was invulnerable to shots while inhaling - Fixed random map selection on match end # v0.8.92a - July 5, 2016 ### Updates - Survival score is more accurately labeled "wins" instead of "kills" - Updated Scanner ability description - Keyboard input instructions in UI are more clear - Better input handling and instructions for pause menu ### Fixes - Debris would prevent blocks and portals from being placed - Fixed some victory phrase typos - Fixed speed of scrolling clouds and light rays - Fixed Selene's collision toggle if bumping into a player while jumping - Selene can jump over players without bumping if they aren't moving - Another potential screen resolution fix - Fixed being able to ready up while paused # v0.8.91a - July 4, 2016 ### New - Added quick new map selector to post-match menu ### Updates - Added more victory phrases from Kickstarter backers - Starting in windowed mode until first-launch bug is fixed ### Fixes - Fixed speed of moving blocks in combat training stage - Fixed Left-Alt key navigating back in menus - Another potential screen resolution fix - Phoebe's portal is properly destroyed when respawning - Fixed some victory phrase typos - Fixed disappearing markers tiles in Land Grab # v0.8.89a - July 1, 2016 ### Fixes - Fixed unbelievably tiny resolution on first-launch # v0.8.88a - June 30, 2016 ### New - New hero: Aether - New ability: ground pound stuns nearby opponents - Option to replay the match on a random map within the current planet - Added option to choose a random hero ### Updates - Audio events can trigger other audio events (more flexible) - Fallback keyboard UI navigation independent of customizations - Made some tutorial instructions more clear - Tutorial targets are only 1 shot instead of 2 - You can shoot during the ability tutorial - Reduced respawn invincibility time - Disabled Treasure Hunt (Iris is OP in this game mode) - Scanner drone has 2 health - If a scanner is deployed, ability destroys it without deploying another - Deploying scanners has a faster recovery time - If you have a shield, being shot stuns you for a shorter time - Pounder deals 2 damage within the center, and 1 damage near outer radius - Teleporter can now also teleport shots - Phantom shots disappear within a random time range - Phantom shots have a chance to repeat from the last location - Bumping into players no longer loses a shield ### Fixes - Land grab markers restore original scale when not in the lead - Fixed sand footsteps color - Fixed stuck stunned animation on death - Fixed spatialization of player hit and death audio - Fixed steam vents not resetting after each round - Fixed confirmation dialog when exiting a match from the pause menu - ESC, arrow keys, Space, and Return work as expected in UI navigation - Fixed invisible UI for player 1 custom keyboard controls - Fixed backing out of player selection scene from any controller - Fixed controller type UI if readied up after using the keyboard - Removed some extra conveyor belts in The Warehouse - Fixed invulnerability to projectiles when stunned - Fixed issue with conveyor belts and smooth player movement - Fixed edge case causing players to keep colliding - Fixed dead bodies movement on conveyor belts - Fixed a lot of physics values and calculations - Fixed ground pound not removing reflection shield from builder blocks - Fixed multiple menu selections in post-match menu - Fixed teleporter target swapping with locations that are not allowed - Bird flocks return to starting locations each round # v0.8.87a - June 18, 2016 ### New - Added success and failure audio/visual cues to tutorial - Players respawn in random locations in continuous game modes - Added tutorial closing scene - Keyboard customization added to options menu! - Keyboard customizations are saved and restored between sessions ### Updates - Adjusted look of big messages in match - Adjusted replay UI - Modified sprite shader to allow for character secondary trim colors - Scanner drone stuns players longer on detonation - Better player stun animations tied to stun time - Added some new UI transitions ### Fixes - Fixed version number ordering - Fixed tutorial edge cases that could both fail and pass - Players bump each other away if occupying the same spot - Fixed spatialization of audio on pooled objects - Fixed sprite palette swapping in master shader - Fixed UI focus being lost on fullscreen dialogs # v0.8.7a - June 12, 2016 ### Updates - Added a new tutorial step going over abilities - Added controller input instructions to tutorial - Many tutorial visual improvements and polish - Tutorial is set up for localization ### Fixes - Fixed color tinting in master sprite shader - Fixed Selene bumping into adjacent objects when leaping - Fixed cached data in net message requests # v0.8.6a - June 9, 2016 ### New - Added hero character images for dialogs - Added an icon for the Land Grab game mode - Added audio for instant replay rewinding ### Updates - Adjusted visuals on character dialog UI - Progress on the tutorial and presentation ### Fixes - Fixed an issue with dead players and object collisions - Fixed wiggle of leading player's markers in land grab - Fixed tutorial on first-launch bug # v0.8.5a - June 3, 2016 ### Fixes - Fixed an issue which could disable the player setup scene # v0.8.4a - June 3, 2016 ### Updates - Much improved behavior when players bump into each other ### Fixes - Hit audio is only played on health down (not when bumping) - Fixed some effect sprites sticking around on scene changes - Fixed audio not playing on last frame of replays - Fixed build versioning # v0.8.30a - June 2, 2016 ### New - Behind the scenes work on localization support - Added language choice in options (English only for now) - Refactored the networking manager - Progress on publicly listing matches - Progress on general UI non-modal notifications - Added butterflies - Added winner info on post-match UI - Added UI icon for "DUALSHOCK 4" wireless controller Options button ### Updates - Players will bump each other away when colliding - Carriers get ejected farther when dropped - Smoother asynchronous level loading - Disabled fullscreen and resolution options for console builds - Changed host option to specify number of allowed remote players - Added error audio sound for invalid UI changes - Improvements to AI pathfinding and chasing of disturbances - Improvements to AI clear-path firing - Improvements to AI intelligence - Improved post-round UI - Music doesn't pitch shift anymore based on match intensity ### Fixes - Fixed framerate of visuals to 60fps - Fixed player selectors UI flickering - Fixed wrapping/truncation of some post-round UI - Fixed issue with UI audio when incrementing options - Fixed AI bumping into each other continuously - Fixed scenario where instant replay distortion wouldn't go away - Fixed disappearing sprites when choosing characters - Fixed Yeti breath not being destroyed via server - Fixed round over message staying onscreen too long - Fixed gamepad icons when choosing controller types ### Dev Tools - Updated build scripts to use automated version numbers - Created butler scripts to push releases to itch.io # v0.8.29a - May 6, 2016 ### New - NEW MUSIC TRACK: secondary track for Glaciarii maps - New forest boundary sprites - Interactable light shafts shine through temple wall windows - New temple trigger switch sprites - Added support for confirmation dialogs - Added falling sand tiles that gradually form blocks - Added controller vibration for supported gamepads! - Added option to enable/disable vibration - Added soft footsteps for desert rugs ### Updates - Added small posts around floor holes - Adjusted some zone control areas - Added directional arrows to conveyor belts - Added confirmation when quitting the game - Added confirmation when exiting an ongoing match - Ability objects are destroyed when picking up the carrier - Made powerup text a little easier to read ### Fixes - Fixed audio echo when match starts - Fixed achievement progress for collections - Fixed illegal placement of portals - Fixed flocks of birds crashing on spawn - Fixed instant replays / indicator alignment # v0.8.28a - April 23, 2016 ### Fixes - Fixed game-breaking regression bugs present in v0.8.27a - Refactored event system to avoid using reflection - Fixed cloud data manager results with no net connection # v0.8.27a - April 14, 2016 ### New - NEW PLANET: Arenae, the desert temple world - Land Grab markers belonging to the player in the lead will wiggle - NEW POWERUP: Shot Speed - Added current match settings to player setup UI - NEW MUSIC TRACK: secondary track for Arx-515 maps ### Updates - Restored jump to original speed - Changed the default modifier value for some game modes - Added score suffix to Treasure Hunt - Music slows down in untimed game modes when 2 players are left - Players no longer claim opponent's tiles in Land Grab when killing them - Land Grab markers use the object pooler for performance - Imported more Kickstarter insults and backer credits - Run Speed powerup has a new icon - Old run speed icon is now the Shot Speed powerup - Teleporter ability has a faster activation - New layout for player setup UI to allow for match info - Added support for multiple music tracks per planet - Added some subtle FX to UI audio (echo, chorus, reverb) - Some set dressing - Scanner drone stuns nearby players on detonation (not owner) - Scanner drone patrols more quickly - Players lose their shield when stunned ### Fixes - Fixed jump arc - Fixed some objects being slightly out of position on round resets - Fixed player respawn times - Fixed issue of sometimes losing input control after teleporting - Fixed issue of post-round control if teleporting while the round ends - Fixed score cap issue on Land Grab and Deadline - Fixed some controller input icons on player setup UI - Fixed spacing issues in the PixelHero font # v0.8.26a - March 23, 2016 ### New - NEW ABILITY: Added a new teleporter ability (Phoebe v2) - TEST ABILITY: Added Epi v3, which alternates between Decoy and Phantom - Added a lot of credits for Kickstarter backers (incomplete list) - Abilities show an error indicator if you can't place something there ### Updates - Leaper jump is a hair slower - Leaper is now only invincible at the apex of her jump - The Phantom ability now fires in a more realistic, clear path direction - In-match pause menu interactions are limited to the Start button - Menu options can be held down for faster incrementing - Only objects that can be destroyed will shake when shot - Killing a player in Land Grab will claim some of their tiles - Game mode text doesn't overlap yetis anymore - Fixed yeti sometimes getting hit by its own breath - Fixed post-match score bars showing correct end values - Potential fix for post-match black screen - Player sprites are now offset when on higher floors, like conveyor belts - Created custom micro-pixel font "Pixel Hero" ### Fixes - Fixed display of keyboard arrows on player setup # v0.8.25a - March 16, 2016 ### New - Added a latest-version check ### Updates - Carrier prevents firing and using abilities - Carrier makes the player run faster - Changelog only shows last 10 entries ### Fixes - Fixed Land Grab post-round point scoring - Fixed controller button icons when choosing a type - Fixed nav map generation for pathfinding and object spawning - Fixed pickups spawning in unreachable locations in Treasure Hunt - Potential fix for misaligned player selectors # v0.8.24a - March 15, 2016 ### New - NEW GAME MODE: Treasure Hunt - You can now move around before the round starts (Head Start) - Added a match modifier to toggle Head Start - Added steam vents to the city tile set ### Updates - Builder block limit is now 4 instead of 6 - Portaleer can drop 3 portals # v0.8.23a - March 14, 2016 ### New - NEW ABILITY: Phantom - NEW GAME MODE: Land Grab - Added a new "Epi v2" character to test Phantom - Added camera zoom on last kill in some game modes - Linux support added to the build exporter - Refactored the entire controller input subsystem - Scanner drone patrols back and forth in a row or column - Players drop the carrier on hit (not just death) - Music speeds up when rounds are close to finishing ### Updates - Imported a ton of victory quotes from Kickstarter backers - Some minor audio mixing ### Fixes - Re-enabled the exit option in the main menu - Fixed instant replays in fullscreen on Mac - Fixed nearest-neighbor filtering in fullscreen on Mac - Fixed builder block getting stuck white sometimes - Fixed rumble component neutral position on disable - Fixed player setup controls UI missing arrow keys - Fixed being able to submit multiple times on match setup - Fixed UI selection audio on match setup - Fixed scanner drone keeping players visible in some situations - Zone control zones are much easier to see - UI interactions now disable after interactions # v0.8.22a - February 4, 2016 ### New - Completely new ice world (Glaciarii) and sample maps! - Beware the yeti - Added achievements based on powerups collected - Added conveyor belts to the city tileset - Added holes to the forest and city tilesets - Added "Quick Match" to main menu - randomizes all match options - Added slow motion effect to end of rounds ### Updates - Player run animation speed is tied to actual speed - Added ability animations for builder, scanner, and portaleer - UI audio and visual improvements - Improved player animations and run cycles - Made replays rewind faster ### Fixes - Fixed UI navigation in progress scene - Fixed shots teleporting immediately when standing on top of a portal - Fixed some sorting issues - Fixed instant replay labels - Fixed gameplay tip typo - Fixed game mode text cutoff on post-match screen - Ready sound obeys SFX volume mix - Fixed carrier reset when replaying a match - Fixed stun animation sprite assignments for all characters - Allow anyone to control post-match menu # v0.8.21a - December 5, 2015 ### New - Builder can only place 6 blocks at a time (oldest are destroyed) - New builder animations - Added a couple more controller mappings for triggers - Foundation for achievements support - Night will cycle, lowering visibility and masking colors ### Updates - Improved UI presentation throughout - Improved hero profiles presentation - Greatly reduced stun time after getting shot with a shield equipped - Scanner drones are destroyed when their owner dies - Scanner drones try to follow players when spotted - Portals are destroyed when their owner dies ### Fixes - Dead bodies don't prevent the builder block - Corrected some typos - Scanner drone correctly untargets players on certain events - Players can't fire while controlling the carrier - Fixed audio mixer transitions - Fixed carrier positioning after being picked up - Fixed player join and selection in one button press - Fixed non-player-specific teleporters - Fixed some sounds not playing during replays - Fixed proper profile pictures throughout UI # v0.8.20a - November 9, 2015 ### New - Audio pass on a bunch of effect SFX - Added hero names and bios - Added some lily pads to shallow water ### Updates - MUCH more efficient recording; game framerate almost doubled! - Created scripted character demos for hero profiles - Scanner drone starts moving immediately - Players don't push debris around - Players get pushed when hit or stunned - Updated some visual effects - Updated teleporter target appearance - Added game mode icon to post round/match - Some UI visual updates ### Fixes - Projectiles pause and slow down when passing through portals - Demos wouldn't run if a controller was connected - Fixed blurry screen / sub-pixel offset for Direct3D 9 - Fixed smooth audio transitions when pausing/unpausing - Fixed proper surface effects for jumping/landing - Loose debris won't prevent builder block placement - Fixed placing of objects in disallowed spots # v0.8.19a - October 10, 2015 ### New - Added preliminary hero profiles scene (learn about the heroes) - Behind-the-scenes groundwork laid for online play - Added new scene with preliminary UI for joining online matches - Added ability to cancel animated GIF export - Ability to choose controller button mapping set - Can exit back to match settings from pause menu - Added preliminary post-match UI to replay the same match or exit - Added gameplay tips between matches ### Updates - UI left and right arrows disable when at bounds - Updated the look of planets - Adjusted leap ability values - Made carrier more easily visible when behind tall objects - Made revealers move to their targets faster ### Fixes - Fixed controller input on pause menu - Ready indicators orient correctly depending on spawn position - Proximity doors don't block the AI navmap - Fixed being able to jump onto another player - Fixed exit match selection in pause menu # v0.8.18a - September 14, 2015 ### New - New maps! - New sprites for all characters! - New destruction effects for some objects - Enabled bloom and vignette and added options for them - Ability animations for jumper and dasher - Added experimental "1989" option - Added preliminary post-round info ### Updates - Dash ability eases out - Updated baseline player animations (character-specific still to come) - Scanner drone now moves around, patrols - Allow any attached controllers to navigate menus - Game mode scores show units (like "s" for "seconds") ### Fixes - Fixed portals teleporting projectiles from players other than the owner - Fixed debris shadows - Fixed pathfinding navmap generator - Fixed teleporting and jumping into the sides of proximity doors - Fixed many sorting issues - Fixed bots joining empty slots properly - Fixed teleporter grouping issues - Fixed bubble shield detached from jumper's body - Fixed collision and triggers during jumping - Fixed hidden indicators not showing up in replays - Fixed spawn issue when playing multiple matches in a row - Fixed color when bumping into security cameras - Fixed navmap updates when objects are created and destroyed - Fixed erratic controller issues in player setup screen # v0.8.17a - August 30, 2015 ### New - Entirely new game mode: Carrier! Looks wonky when carrying the ball. - Added tooltips to options screen for more details - Huge controller refactor behind the scenes to eventually add key bindings - Added a callout to the continue input on player setup when ready - Player scores flash when scoring ### Updates - Changed "Window Size" to "Window Scale" in options UI - Controller input labels will dim if unavailable - Adjusted match UI positioning since it will not be tied to spawn positions - Bots will consistently ready up faster - Changed player score font to be monospaced ### Fixes - Fixed 32-bit and 64-bit assignments of some DLLs - Fixed Windows startup, title, and exit crashes - Fixed controller button labels on instant replay UI - Fixed backing out of player setup while bots were joining - Fixed UI navigation issue in match setup - Fixed left stick movements changing UI options on navigation - Fixed returning to match setup when backing out of player setup - Fixed UI issue with instant replay frame # v0.8.16a - August 22, 2015 ### New - "Return" and "ESC" keys also work for moving through the menus - Added alpha notes to the main menu # v0.8.15a - August 21, 2015 ### Fixes - Fixed invisible map thumbnails # v0.8.14a - August 21, 2015 ### New - Added new Portal Master character and ability - Either this or the Teleporter will make the final cut, not both ### Updates - Bots will sometimes bump into walls - Revealer item launches seekers that navigate to and reveal players - Moved server messages to Amazon S3 instead of Parse - Character dialogs now show the right character image - Character dialogs now play the right character audio tone - Improved look of Zone Control zones ### Fixes - Fixed some path finding errors - Fixed bots repeatedly bumping into the same wall - Fixed bots state after running into other players - Fixed player movement jitter - Fixed bots not noticing visible players - Fixed collision issue with Jumper (still has sorting issues) # v0.8.13a - August 17, 2015 ### New - Collecting some character metrics - Character sprites added to player selection scene - Builder blocks now reflect the first opponent's shot back - Re-enabled preliminary bots (weak AI, some don't use abilities, pathfinding issues) - Hooked up dasher ability to AI - Hooked up defender ability to AI - Hooked up distractor ability to AI - Hooked up scanner drone ability to AI ### Updates - Map tiles load in over frames instead of all at once - Builder ability is now "Defender" - Updated description for defender ability - Removed shooter character (split shot OP) ### Fixes - Replay indicators were showing under some tiles - Replays can be skipped by any player if a bot wins the round - Distractor left an effect for a moment when activating ability # v0.8.12a - August 10, 2015 ### New - Integrated automatic crash reporting - Collecting some match settings metrics ### Updates - Release notes are fetched from the cloud - Refactored cloud data manager # v0.8.11a - August 7, 2015 ### New - Screen shake can be turned off in the options menu (boring) - Preliminary work on controller input labels (not mapped correctly yet) - Match setup will remember its settings when backing out of player setup ### Updates - Action buttons in menus replaced with controller input instructions - Dash ability leaves disappearing particle effects in trail - Ready up UI will show the correct button input to use # v0.8.10a - August 5, 2015 ### New - You can view the changelog from the main menu ### Updates - Made decoy footsteps more closely match a real player's timing - Updated the number of footsteps before and after the decoy bump # v0.8.9a - August 5, 2015 ### New - Added animated GIF export to instant replays! ### Updates - Decoy ability now randomly plays a few footsteps before bumping into a tile - Replays continue to repeat until skipped - Only the winner of the round can skip the replays - Increased contrast of some city tiles - Updated map thumbnails to reflect some layout changes - Changed level loading to be asynchronous ### Fixes - Decoy ability will not choose tiles that are unreachable - Fixed sprite atlas batching # v0.8.8a - August 2, 2015 ### Updates - Don't show players when bumping into tiles - Faster fade out for players - Enabled vsync - Disabled strict frame rate settings - Changed Player 1's keyboard ability input to Left Alt - Improved player selector ready UI - Improved visibility of hidden indicators in replays - Shield bonus does not stack (max bonus is +1) - Player score UI is now larger and more clear - Player score UI reflects status of the shield powerup ### Fixes - Fixed incorrect score accumulation in zone control - Fixed navmap generation taking into account tile rotations - Fixed an insult typo - Fixed pixelation of player dissolve shader - Fixed sort issues with security cameras # v0.8.7a - August 1, 2015 ### New - Players now leave a trail of particles while disappearing - Added countdown beeps to last 10 seconds of Deadline game mode ### Updates - Improved player disappearance effect - Created a fancy new instant replay rewind effect - City fan vents have random animation speeds - Added ability to rewind and skip replays - Updated replays UI to reflect new controls - Adjusted music ducking amount when paused - Renamed "Arx" to "Arx-515" ### Fixes - Fixed post-effects sizing and settings - Forced font textures to use nearest-neighbor filtering to remove anti-aliasing at certain resolutions # v0.8.6a - July 27, 2015 ### New - Added weapon-firing effect - Added new tileset "Arx" - Security cameras that follow players within a radius - Proximity automatic doors - Added planet "Arx" - Made sprites transition in when choosing a character ### Updates - The Windows build is now 64-bit - Training mode has been disabled - Updated the app icons - Updated credits - Players now fade out over time instead of the disappear animation - Updated all music tracks to latest bounces - Updated player body animations - Updated bubble shield look and animation - Characters have separate heads and bodies (preparing for heroes) - Updated projectile tinting - Updated Sombr logo - Updated Invisigun logo and animation - Fixed some sprite pivot and material issues ### Fixes - Updated references to "Invisagun" throughout - Fixed some y-sorting issues / incorrect sprites overlap - Fixed player setup input bug - Fixed double firing sound - Fixed revealer deactivation issue - Hide the player's head if they're dead